092124 The Oracle Symphony (Soil Meter Device)
Notes: many references to it being a poor time to talk (space weather confirmed this). And the device he saw was likely a soil meter. A forest service crew was working in the park when we were recording this, and it’s possible that he was viewing them testing moisture levels near the tree.s *** 00:02…
091424 Early humans were naturally stupid
00:00 – 00:01 K: Say that again? 00:01 – 00:03 D: This is the action that’ll prepare you. If you think back, this is the opportunity. 00:06 – 00:07 K: Wow. And you had even– the instant you put on the headphones. 00:10 – 00:12 D: Yeah. I wasn’t even planning on getting started. I…
083124: Gods? (Spirit box and meditation, DMF)
00:01 – 00:06 All right. Hello, hello to our forest friends. I’m K and this is D. We’re back again. It is Saturday, August 31st, 2024. And we are here– Our most comforting fable. Oh, a fable. I love fables. 00:31 – 00:39 But don’t try to use it for things it’s not intended. Okay.…
081824 You are a raccoon, a bird, or a sphinx
[D hears: Celebrate!] Okay. I’m going to assume that D is ready. Hello to all of our spirit friends who may be listening. It’s Saturday, August 17, 2024. We are home. We’re at ***** Station in our living room, and we’re hoping to speak to our house guardians, owl and badger. And then later…
080324: The Heartbeat
00:18 – 00:25 Hello. Hello to any forestĀ friends who are listening. It is Saturday, August 3, 2024. My name is K. This is D. And we’ve come to talk with any forest friends who are interested in talking with us, who have love, kindness in their hearts, good intentions, and just are interested in…
071424 SFB Morse Botanical Reserve – Wading into the Breeze
Odd things about this session: It was a new spot. Small circular clearing in SFB Morse Nature Preserve, surrounded by cypresses and out of sight of the main trail, which remained empty. On entering, D found a half of a pinecone with orange lichen (like Spanish Moss) wrapped around the middle spire of the cone.…
062924 Go with the paranormal
00:03 – 00:07 Alright. Hello. Hello to our spirit friends. It is Saturday, June 29, 2024. And Dave and I are in our home at ***** Station, and we’re seeking to speak to our forest friends from Memorial Park and Madre Cuyendas. We have some snacks and drink on the table. A few little things…
062324: File was corrupted! Here’s what we can recall
File was corrupted! Here’s what we can recall. There was a weird pulsing noise on the headphones that we’d never heard before Intro: Hello there! We are here to talk. Happy, positive, several times said “All is well” or “It’s good!” “We’ll bring in the 12 higher beings” Our impression is that we were gifted…
052024 Spider spins a web
00:03 – 00:05 Hello. Hello to our forest friends. It is Monday, May 20, 2024, and today is me and D’s 18th wedding anniversary. It might not seem like a long time to trees, but for humans, that’s a pretty long time to be married. So we are celebrating. And we left some snacks for…
051924 Time changes nothing for us
It is Sunday, May 19, 2024. D and I are at Loma Mar Redwoods. 00:19 – 00:24 (D) when I turned it on just now, the first thing I heard was, “you’ve got extra protection.” 00:26 – 00:28 Wonderful. Alright. Well- 00:28 – 00:30 Start your future now. 00:30 – 00:40 Oh, interesting. Alright. Well,…