052022 Hex the water, gift of 2OCS
Hello! [cat is alarmed at something] Hi Kate! Doctor Pete says … probably not. My former chiropractor was Dr. Pete. I hope I’m not talking to him! Dirt version for the inspection Who am I talking to? I’d love a name or you can tell me something about yourself so I know who I’m talking…
Read More05/14/22 Hi from the other side
Saturday, Living Room, seeking Madre Cuyendas Hello! Tipping. I’ll give you a couple mor minutes to get situated In practice, true Is there a practice that would help us communicate The picture At 13:30, Madre, Madre We are looking for Madre Cuyendas, is that who we’re talking to? It is. Fantastic, thanks for talking to…
Read More050722 Bigfoot comes
May 7, 2022 Hello! (Gives spiel) Wait. We are hoping to speak to Madre Cuyendas, who we met in the forest. I suppose, object at the end of the permanence Tell me about the object Studies over, once again, when everything and document We are recording this session, so yes we can document it. Who…
Read More042922 The Squirrel was a miscreant
[At home in living room after singing, as requested last time. The battery died immediately after singing, despite it being fully charged before the song.] Just FYI: don’t drain the battery, we can’t talk to you without it. Use the crystal if you need energy. [Gives the spiel] Hang out. Yep, have some jelly beans…
Read More042322 ghosts fail so often
Hello to our spirit friends (living room) (gives the spiel) Yes, yes, yes Haha, you’re used to that Good luck, boss Welcome! Hiya Hi! Who am I talking to? There is a moment for each under the stars We have a similar phrase, “Each person has a moment in the sun” Grand and oldie Are…
Read More041622 Free birds
Hello! Airways This does come through the airwaves, doesn’t it. Again. Hey man. Hey man, how are you? Us. Spinning. If you need an anchor, listen to the sound of my voice and that might help you get stable That’s the contact? I’m the contact, I suppose, yes. Man’s big 321, played backwards, needle, Dave.…
Read More4/9/22 Him, protector, him
Living Room (Standard intro) Hello, is there anyone who would like to talk to us? Dave: setting adjustment We’re restarting Here it comes! Great, seems like you can hear us now. Hello, how are you? All right, you know it We were talking earlier in the day and got cut off. Slow You want me…
Read More4/9/22 Thank you for taking us
4/9/22 Memorial Park, contacting Forest Friends Hello! Is there anyone there who’d like to talk to us? Your friend How are you? Full of notions What notions do you have? What’s on your mind? … How do you like my little forest centerpiece I built? This is a limited time I’ll just jump into a…
Read More4/2/22 Emma Touches Everyday
April 2, 2022, Living Room Inviting Forest Friends and we’re curious about the voices we’re hearing at night in our home. We’re ready. Who am I talking to? Do it, are you getting it? Yes. There are jelly beans on the table for you. Yeah, decent energy. Good! I’m glad it’s working out. We’re curious…
Read More3/26/22 Hold it, that’s energy
San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Sycamore Hot Springs, Room 516 March 26, 2022 I’m getting a number. Three. What does that mean to you? Why do you think you got the number three? Something (singing). Numbers. Loud. 9 Tell me about numbers, Crowded. Five. Putting it there. Anything you want to talk about? Niner. You…
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