022525 Alarmingly Huge Seatmate Encounter

I think it’s February 23rd, I think it’s February 23rd. And we are here in Jacks Peak Park, and for those who don’t know me, I’m K, this is D. And the way this works is if you’d like to talk to us, you can talk into that box that’s on the table there in front of us. And if you talk into it, if you think into it, D might be able to hear what you say. And he will say aloud what he hears, and then I will respond to it, and we can have a conversation that way. We have spoken to some forest beings here before. I’m happy to speak with them again. The key is to have love and kindness in your heart.

I onIy need. What?

Love and kindness.

One more moment. Okay, one more moment. Maybe we’ve got an operator that we’re working with. There’s a very energetic raven in the background at the top of a very tall pine tree. You can probably hear it in the background. It’s a really lovely day. We have a gorgeous view of the forest all around us. And if I turn around, I can see the ocean behind us.

All you really need is a great scene, including something special.

Well, we have that. We have a great scene all around us, as I noted. And something special, I think, is…

Contact me directly.

Oh, okay. How should I do that? Happy to contact you directly. But I don’t know how, so you’ll need to tell me how, please.

There are many thousands of what happened. This is hard, but if you’re not moving… Ground.

Okay. Many thousands of what happened? You might mean memories?

A common flash. Send.

Hmm. I’m going to assume that you’re saying it’s hard to…

And whatever gift you can give to them is sort of a confident boost.

So we need to give somebody a gift. Maybe you mean the forest beings that we’re talking to. Do you want some kind of a gift as a confidence booster?

I got the idea, yeah. Are you ready? No.

Oh, well, I think I’m ready for your idea.

Don’t lose hope.

Okay. I’ll do my best not to lose hope. It’s challenging these days. But what’s your idea? You know, maybe I want to hear your idea. Even if you think I’m not ready.

One more night come to my hand, a miracle occurs.

Ooh, a miracle occurs in one more night.


Possible miracle. Well, that sounds great.

Excellent outcome.

Wonderful. What do you think we should…

Get some… [laughs] Get some rascal pants. Get some rascal pants.

Wow. So you want to tell me what rascal pants are?

For you guys as well.

Oh, you’re going to get some rascal pants and you want us to get some rascal pants. Well…

You give us your gift of…Contributions and feelings.

Well, we have been trying to radiate more love into the world. Maybe that’s what you mean. And you’re saying that…

Concentrating on the heart today at… D had a name and it’s…

Try again. “D had a name and it’s… ” Can you finish that sentence?

Critical vision, getting the water, and the leaders.

Yeah, I’m not sure how to interpret that. Whatever you’ve been trying to communicate to us, can you try communicating that again?

Every time you come on, I’ll be listening.

Oh, that’s great. And I got the message about you want more love. Coming from the heart, we’ll definitely be doing that. I

If you got one idea, music is kind of official.

[D: Oh, we forgot music. That was me just now]

Well, I do have my [instrument] here. Hopefully you enjoyed what I played earlier. Perhaps you mean that music is a good way to… Formulate our desires.

Then… Love.

Music? Maybe you mean the musical sigils I’ve been doing and then focus on love. Yeah. Sounds like a good strategy. Can you tell me more about the miracle you said earlier? Like if we come to…

I feel it.

You feel the miracle. Okay. You feel the love. But I’m curious because you said something about… If we come to you in one more night’s time, there will be a kind of miracle.

I like to come forward brightly.

Alright. It is a bright day. Yeah.

You are close.

We’re close to what? We’re close to the miracle? Is there something we need to do to make that miracle happen? To increase our chances of it happening? What should we be doing? We’ve got to feel more love. Is there anything beyond that?

[D: I feel like there’s been a bunch of words that I can’t understand]

Several times a year.

Just a reminder, D doesn’t speak Spanish. You might come across Spanish words on the radio, but you won’t understand them. So please don’t use those.

Feels different.

Something feels different? Okay. Can you tell me what we need to do to encourage this miracle we were talking about to happen?

Sort of leave. Don’t decide yet. In phase coin, it didn’t finish the first time.

I’m sorry, I don’t understand that. So what would you like us to know?

So, I’m down. All right!

You’re down. Okay. What would you like us to know?

And the world orders itself. Opportunities you’ll need for a new chapter.

Okay. And how do we get those opportunities? How do we recognize those opportunities?

Three. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

How do we recognize the opportunities? Or where do we find them? Tell us more about the opportunities, because I’m glad the world is ordering itself.

Before, distinctly, what you want to say. And, and, I’m back.

Oh, okay. Well, welcome back. You were telling us that the world is ordering itself and we will need some opportunities. So I want to know how do we find those opportunities? Where do we look for them?

So far, construction is light.

Okay. Maybe you mean the world reordering itself. Doing it lightly right now. Can you tell us more about the opportunities you mentioned earlier?

You hold me now because, most definitely, a choosing is coming on. My two cents worth.

A choosing. So, gosh, I could interpret that in a lot of ways, but perhaps you mean we have to choose which path we want to take forward. Like, we’ve been talking quite a bit about love. Another path forward some people take is to be aggressive and defensive. Maybe, I’m speculating, but maybe you’re talking about choosing between one of those two paths.

For sure, a topic like this, to the end, I’ve seen the fire, it’s enchanting.

Fire is enchanting. Well, I’m afraid right now I’m not feeling too much enchantment from seeing fires. There’s a lot of trouble that’s happened recently because of fires, but they are a natural process, of course. It’s a good place for them in our society.

I mean, energy, so, in a way.

Yeah, yeah, fire is our energy. It’s very visible energy, too. Okay. How would you think, if the world is reordering itself?

Bless it (blessed?) a nice chunk of the air. It makes the world a lot better.

You think we should bless the air? Yeah, okay, that’s a good idea. Our air needs some help sometimes, especially recently.

Beyond the order.

Hmm, okay, so, there’s something beyond the order you were talking about. Can you talk more about it? What’s beyond the order?

Yeah, it’s a hook and a creek.

That’s interesting. I don’t know what to make of that, though. Hook and a creek. Are you saying we need to spend time in it?

And in the next chunk, time. It’s got the power.

Time is powerful. Maybe you mean in the new ordering, time is very powerful. Well, time is already powerful. I’m not quite sure what you mean by that.

For sure, stay in. How can we best approach the order, the new order?

I am straight from the heart of gods.

You’re from the heart of the gods. Huh. I’m trying to think of–

Nobody knows exactly. Across the globe, it’s very exciting.

Nobody knows, okay. Alright, nobody knows what’s going to happen. Not even you, huh? Well, do you have any advice for us? Because sometimes when things reorder, it can be pretty chaotic.

Of course, let’s talk about the things we’ve done already.

Okay, let’s talk. Um, you want to tell me what you’ve done already? Or you can ask me questions too. I’ll try to answer.

Hope glowing up.

So you’ve been hopeful. Yeah, I’ve got that idea, for sure. Um, what else have you done that you want to talk about?

And there’s something to know, X in the morning, seriously. When I think of you.

What do you mean by X in the morning? X is a social media platform.

Anytime you want to.

Let’s try this again. What do you want us to know? What’s important for us to know? If the world is reordering itself, how can we make sure–

Anytime you send no speeding tickets.

Are you encouraging us to move fast? You won’t get a speeding ticket if you move fast? Um, okay.

You can learn more here.

Alright. I’d like to learn more. Do you want to tell me more? Some things I should learn?

Everything they have, general matters. That’s right. Fool on a hill.

Did you say fool on a hill? Well, we are on a hill. Um, okay.


Oh, somebody’s swift. Well, there’s Taylor Swift. She’s very popular singer. I sang a song to Hermes earlier, who is the ultimate in swiftness. You said something’s moving fast, though.

The implication there is, number one, drums.

Oh, interesting. Okay. Um, drums. I have one drum. I’ve been working on a drum track.

Oh, and the theater.  And they’re sure right now, we know more than… … tiempo.

You know more than time. Or the weather. Um, alright.

And I know about you. You don’t have to hide. You’re just as powerful.

Really? Well, that’s exciting to hear. So, you’ve said a lot. I’m not sure where to go with all of that right now. What’s the best way for us to be that powerful? Like you.

Rise and entertain us and all the things that come to mind.

Okay, um, well, I can try to play you some music, if that’s what you mean.

Helping them thrive in accordance to your offers.

Can you explain that more? Who are we helping to thrive?

In the trees.

We’re helping somebody in the trees to thrive.

Of course, have awakened.

Somebody in the trees have awakened. Do you mean birds? Or do you mean the trees themselves? Spirits in the trees?

It grants, like, St. Christopher?

I’m sorry, I don’t remember who St. Christopher is. I’ll look him up later.

Even though a month late, you’ll be happy with the results. And that’s why I’m here. And that tasting quality. Here we are now.

Well, I’m sorry I can’t see you. But, welcome!

Roses are a spot.

You’re  saying we should go somewhere where there are a lot of roses?

And to do that, you’re affecting your most active urges due to… [D: I don’t know Spanish.]

Please try not to use Spanish words because D doesn’t understand them. So can you try communicating that concept again using English words?

How old are you? The world, it gets complicated.

Yeah, so I’m 48 years old. D is 55. Hopefully that helps anchor you in time. The year is 2025.

Define me in these times. Here we are now.  It’s detected in our everyday mentalities.

What’s detected?

Yeah, up to 90% less. … 

[Sound of the Spirit Box being thrown to the ground and headphones following]

K: What was that?! Are you okay?

D: I swear to God, something really heavy just sat on the bench! Holy crap.


And by the way, I don’t have a bad feeling.

Might even be kind of good, just like surprised the shit out of me! You ok?

Yeah, I think so. Okay, I’m shutting this [Spirit box] off because I’m not going to be able to get back into it for a minute.

[K goes to the bench and senses for qi/energy with her hands] Oh wow. It’s quite big.

D: I got it. You see that? [Gestures toward himself, he’s crying in what’s sometimes referred to as “Spiritual Weeping” on encountering a powerful spiritual entity] Oh. Xaire, presence.

Yes, hello. So, we’re glad that you joined us. We just… that was a little startling for D. You do seem quite wide. So for the recording, what I’m doing right now is sensing with my hands. I do not sense it anymore, but there was a larger-than-my arm-span energy outline on the bench. I didn’t feel it so much above.

I just got a little bit of a feeling of “whoops” [from the entity].

Sometimes this kind of thing can be startling. And so when you have a physical body… When you have a physical body, large things can sometimes hurt you. Like a predator. Imagine a mountain lion attacking a deer. So we kind of have those reflexes to protect ourselves because we don’t know necessarily what you are. We can’t see you. So that’s all. It was just a reflex.

And also, for the record, the feeling and the tears kicked in really hard. Whatever that was, that was a lot of presence. Oh.

Did you feel anything other than just like a fright?

Well, it wasn’t even fright. It was just surprise. And honestly, I didn’t feel anything bad at all, just like you said. I mean, feeling a little bit of presence is one thing, but that was like… Whoa, that’s a big thing that just sat down next to me. Sorry if I’m yelling.

Yeah, no, I feel you. It was quite large. Did you have any impressions about the presence or Information on what it might be?

Also, for the record, I hope I didn’t startle you, K. Because I freaked out and jumped up and I think I… I tore off the headphones and threw them on the ground, I think.

Yeah, it’s okay.

That’s never happened.

No, I’ve never seen that happen before.

I got like shakiness in my legs right now. And again, I’m sorry for my reaction. It’s totally okay. I was just startled.

Did you get any sort of impressions about what it was?

Now I’m not sure.

Anything you want to say before we stop the recording?

No, I had a really positive feeling the whole time.

Yeah, that’s how it was. Yeah, so… So I’ll just say…

Oh, and there were definitely times where I felt like, and this has come up before, where there was language that I felt like I was supposed to be picking up on and I just didn’t know what it was or what to say.

Yeah, it’s definitely an imperfect medium in my view. The last thing I will say before we stop this is if we notice this presence, whoever you are, if you want to say something, occasionally a voice can come through on these recordings. I’ve only heard it happen a couple of times, but I’ll just be silent for a minute and give you a chance to say anything that you want to say. So go ahead and try and speak into this phone, this device I’m holding right now.

[No words come through]

Okay. Thank you for being with us. We will come back. We’ll try to remember to bring you some cookies. And yeah, it was lovely talking to you. Thank you. Bye-bye.

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