102724 Get ready for your initiation

So hello to our spirit friends we’ve been talking to already.

Today is Sunday, October 27, 2024, and D and I are here at, SFB Morse Botanical Reserve.

We’ve, been talking aloud about our plans for abundant optionality, a life of abundant optionality.

We’re in the middle of a 10 day working to,

make our lives lives of true abundant optionality.

And we’ve invited all of our spirit friends to join us if they would like, including our friends here.

So with that, I will say hello.

Would anybody like to talk?

I hope that you enjoy the snacks and the music that I played.

01:29 – 01:33

These are like ghost towns that live up to it.

01:35 – 01:40

This is a ghost town, Well, you might mean a spirit town.

Often when we as humans say ghost town, we mean a town that’s been abandoned by people.

01:47 – 01:54

But you might mean a forest is full of spirits. That’s my guess.

01:58 – 02:00

Oh, yeah. We keep going.

02:02 – 02:17

Wow. Wonderful. I hope you understand what I was talking about earlier when I talked about our aims for abundant optionality. And I’m wondering–

02:18 – 02:25

You, D, you’re at that stage where you watch, and we keep the music going.

[D: I said that wrong, oddly. It was ‘let’s keep the music going.’]

02:36 – 02:42

What? Literally? Like, you want me to play music right now, or did you mean that metaphorically?

02:48 – 02:48


02:51 – 02:55

There’s an investigator. Well–

02:56 – 03:00

I’m going, and I don’t need to see the door.

I feel like I’m blowing on a web.

03:12 – 03:16

Because I don’t know if you were literal or figurative,

I’m just gonna play very quietly.

03:26 – 03:28

Right here. Nice.

03:30 – 03:35

Sounds like you like that. So who’s investigating?

03:52 – 03:54

Take over the bleeding to stop.

03:57 – 04:04

Okay. That sounds dire. Tell me about that. Is someone bleeding?

If so, it sounds like something was hurt. What’s hurt?

04:13 – 04:14

Late tonight.

04:17 – 04:23

Something will be bleeding late tonight? That doesn’t sound good. [ETA: literally no bleeding happened that night]

04:24 – 04:26

You sure know when to try.

04:28 – 04:29

What do you mean?

04:35 – 04:43

Well, the light is cool water, and the wind is friendly.

04:47 – 04:53

Okay. I’m glad to have friendly wind. Light is cool water.

04:59 – 05:02

Basic father of mine.

05:08 – 05:09

Who’s your father?

Is your father a spirit?

05:36 – 05:37

Does he have a name?

05:49 – 05:51

That’s a cool act for a single.

05:58 – 06:00

Don’t know exactly what that means.

What did you think about our proposal?

Are you interested in joining us?

06:11 – 06:19

Basically, numbers are speaking, and a big number of, defensible space.

And I get a little bit food tasty

06:31 – 06:32

Well, we love to see–

06:32 – 06:32

and all this–

06:41 – 06:43

I’m not entirely sure


if that was an answer.

So I’m gonna try one more time.

Are you are you interested in joining us?

06:57 – 06:58

You are safe.

06:59 – 07:01

Oh, well, I’m–

07:02 – 07:03

It’s difficult to explain.

07:07 – 07:14

Okay. I believe you. I’m I’m glad that we’re safe.

07:15 – 07:18

Hold. Look it up. Take initiative.

07:22 – 07:23

Okay. So you want us to–

07:23 – 07:24


07:26 – 07:29

You want us to do some tarot card readings. Okay.

Well, we we do have an app I can bring up on my phone.

I’ll draw a card right now. How’s that? Drawing right now. The magician.

Oh, what do you think about the magician card?

07:48 – 07:55

[D looks shocked: Like, oh, jeez. Something something…] 34 angels.

I can feel, the [D: wow.

There was so much there.

I missed so much of it.]

08:05 – 08:11

So it sounds like something really powerful was just communicated, but it was so strong that

I think D couldn’t keep up with what you were saying. He said 34 angels.

Can you can you try to communicate that again maybe a little more slower or more simply?

We were talking about the magician tarot card.

What did you wanna–

08:37 – 08:39

That’s exactly and eccentric.

08:45 – 08:47

That’s eccentric? Can you tell me–

08:50 – 08:51

All new magic.

08:52 – 08:58

All new magic. Alright. That sounds fascinating.

I’d love to know more about the new magic. Is it…I’m not sure how to ask it in a way that you could answer through a medium like this.

Is this magic that we’re familiar with, me and D, or is it something totally new to us?

09:26 – 09:27

Yes. Hello.

09:27 – 09:28


09:28 – 09:29

It’s a party.

09:31 – 09:33

Who’s here with us? Did someone join?

I’d so like to know oh, I’d like to know so much more about everything you’ve talked about.

Tell tell me about the new magic.

Is it new to you or is it new to us?

10:26 – 10:31

Moss, mud, or flowers.

And I always in the total

10:46 – 10:53

Moss, mud, or flowers? Well, they all have their benefits, don’t they?

11:00 – 11:05

The silver result of the sun and independent is always…

11:10 – 11:14

The silver result of the sun makes me think of the light of the moon.

11:15 – 11:16

That’s it.

11:16 – 11:22

Okay. So the new magic has something to do with moonlight?

Is that what you mean? The moon?

Maybe a moon deity?

11:40 – 11:43

Mortal gain played.

11:46 – 11:48

Mortal gain? Yeah. I guess.

11:48 – 11:56

Breathing in the details, I’ve got help the public like a violin.

It’s like it’s like that.

12:05 – 12:06

Maybe it means a [instrument] that is–

12:06 – 12:10

Get ready for your initiation. [I need to note that the next day, I received a profound vision that was completely unexpected and confirmed to me that gods and deities have some kind of external reality, which is not a fact I enjoyed learning as I’ve alway felt that they were human-created and aren’t really my thing. However, the vision showed me that gods are real, but we humans can’t process them without a “skin” which accounts for all the differing versions. Tip: they are utterly unconcerned with 99% of the things we think they care about. They are not morality police in the least]

12:11 – 12:18

Oh, that’s exciting. When when is that happening?

And how do we get ready for it?

Do you have any advice?

12:28 – 12:30

An old west legend.

12:32 – 12:41

Oh, like Buffalo Bill Cody or, Wyatt Earp or you mean, like, a legend?

12:42 – 12:44

Maybe you mean, like, a myth, an old west.

12:45 – 12:51

And with that go to (two?) within and a disco.

12:54 – 12:56

Disco. Maybe you just mean dance.

Go to within and dance.

An old west legend.

I’d love to know more about how to prepare for the initiation. And what–

13:22 – 13:26

The groceries are all around today.

13:28 – 13:30

Do you mean the snacks we brought?

I guess we did put it in a few different places.

13:35 – 13:35


13:35 – 13:37

They’re all for you, though.

13:45 – 13:47

On a sunlit day.

13:48 – 13:49

The sun is coming out.

It’s still kinda behind the clouds, but it’s coming.

D just looked up to see.

13:55 – 13:56

Thank you for the information.

Total control is usually kaitaizy.

It’s the picture that we wanna

go out.

Here, I can put in a chicken.

14:24 – 14:28

I’m not sure if I heard that right. You’re complaining a chicken?

Not sure what to what to think about that.

So this is all very interesting. It sounds very magical.

Like something big is coming up.

Is there anything you can tell us about what you called the new magic?

You said it had something to do with moon, moonlight.

15:00 – 15:02

Come on. Let’s go back to the music.

15:04 – 15:04

Okay. [K resumes playing music]

15:19 – 15:23

We remind you, it’s always starting at your level.

15:24 – 15:28

Okay. I wonder what our level is.

15:43 – 15:48

And we see all this summery. (Summary?)

15:54 – 16:00

You’re seeing something summery, like, of the season of summer?

16:00 – 16:04

You can get lazy for up to 4 years.

We got clouds coming in.

16:31 – 16:32

That’s true

So, can you tell me more about the 34 angels?

D missed a lot of what you said and we’d like to know more.

17:10 – 17:11

That ain’t the world.

There’s dirt. It’s also the coverage of the region.

You’re right. We are, sitting on dirt covered ground.

We are in a forest, so, that’s it’s pretty common.

Kind of the definition of a forest.

17:34 – 17:39

Yours if it’s very clean. Go there together.

17:43 – 17:43


17:44 – 17:45

The one.

17:47 – 17:49

Wait. Where should we go together?

Can you explain more about that?

18:09 – 18:11

We’re not …there’s not always

one ocean.

18:21 – 18:21


from a human perspective, we have 7 named oceans.

Although, they’re all connected, So they are all one ocean, technically, but they have different

currents, different masses of water.

And we are right now right next to the Pacific Ocean.

18:52 – 18:58

When you go Homer and then placing them on your hands

When love, love.

19:09 – 19:12

There’s a lot of love in our lives, for sure.

I don’t know what you mean by placing something on our hands, though. Can you explain more?

19:42 – 19:46

It’d be cleaner if we just, you know, a little drink.

19:48 – 19:52

I only have coffee, but you can have some coffee.

Should I just pour it?

19:56 – 20:02

You know, love tops, and it’s your money.

20:05 – 20:09

Love is our money? Wow. That is true.

I would love to have money that is basically

literal and metaphorical.

20:21 – 20:27

Also, there’s sort of a on the flip that will be different now.

20:28 – 20:32

Oh, how will it be different? That sounds interesting.

20:41 – 20:43

This is what… nah.

Not enough.

I should have been

Eastern open.

21:14 – 21:16

That could mean so much.

21:20 – 21:22

Thought and admin.

21:23 – 21:25

How about we try this?

What is something the one thing you would like us most to know?

The thing that you think is most important that we we understand.

21:36 – 21:37

Business dealings.

21:39 – 21:39


This this is very Hermes.

What specifically about business dealings would you like us to know or to think about? Or

21:58 – 22:01

With us, it’s not Christmas.

Why not the 2 most

taken along?

22:16 – 22:19

I’m uncertain what you meant.

Maybe you could explain more in the context of business dealings?

22:38 – 22:45

D: I just saw 3 young ladies, like, mid twenties dancing.

22:47 – 22:49

That sounds like the 3 of cups card.

22:52 – 22:55

Like outdoors. Mhmm. Modern clothing.

22:56 – 22:57

That sounds great.

Is that symbolic, or are those 3 specific young ladies we should know?

23:08 – 23:13

You know, come to think of it, it sort of gives me a 3 of cups vibe.

23:15 – 23:22

Exactly. I would love to have some 3 of cups vibe in my life.

Wonder where we’d find that.

23:25 – 23:26

And the great

something bow

in your arms.

23:43 – 23:46

In my arms is a Greek [instrument].

A bow? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen..

well, I guess I did see a barbiton [instrument] bowed once.

Why do you bring that up?

I’d also love to know a bit about who we’re talking with. Is this somebody specific?

25:12 – 25:14

Figure this out. How to get it?

25:19 – 25:21

Okay. That’s pretty vague.

Alright. Do you have any questions for us?

I’m happy to answer a question if you’ve got one and if I know the answer.

25:33 – 25:34

My heart is…

25:37 – 25:46

Your heart is …well, I don’t know exactly who I’m talking to, so it’s a little hard to say.

But you seem to have a generous and kind heart.


26:06 – 26:06


26:08 – 26:10

Okay. Tell me about the opportunity.

You’ve mentioned this in a few other sessions, and I’d love to know what the opportunity is

or how to recognize it when it happens.

26:25 – 26:27

It’s what made the iconic.

[D: I did not get that next word.]

26:36 – 26:40

Opportunity made the iconic can you try saying that again?

Something iconic

is well known, instantly recognizable.

Well known, instantly recognizable, attached

to a certain

feeling or meaning.

One, for instance, one picture can kind of symbolize an entire era of human history, or you might

mean an icon like a religious icon like they use in Eastern Orthodox Traditions of a saint or

the Virgin Mary, something like that as a kind of


Yes. Yes.

27:59 – 28:02

So that kind of icon.

28:05 – 28:09

It’s to come, but also to make.

I Thank you.

28:16 – 28:21

Okay. I do have some icons on my altar space at home.

I have a few for Hermes.

I have a little altar tin for Orpheus.

Is that the kind of thing you’re talking about?

29:28 – 29:31

D: I’m gonna take a break.

29:31 – 29:35

Okay. Seems like we’re slowing down, so I’m gonna pause this.

D wants to take a break.

Starting this again to record our discussion.

So D was saying that this feels this felt kind of different, you said.

Yeah. Yeah. It it actually felt like like it was mostly single speaker.

You know, how sometimes it can feel like multiple voices keep jumping in.

This felt more single speaker than usual, but there was some aspect of it that was kind of tiring for me.

And then there was, like like, that burst of information that I couldn’t keep up with that said something about 34 angels.

Can you recall anything else about that?

30:22 – 30:24

No. Oh, you know, it goes by so fast.

It asked you to keep playing the music, so you did. And then it said…

30:43 – 30:46

Tarot, and I pulled the magician card.

And then it said something about new magic coming and that we needed to get ready for our initiation.

Like, not quite together like that, but in proximity.

31:02 – 31:07

In proximity. Exactly. Yeah. That was That’s pretty interesting.

31:07 – 31:08

Something like the silvery

light that’s a result of the sun, which to me, I I said, like, so that sounds like moonlight, and you said yes.

31:25 – 31:28

Oh. Oh, okay. That nice. Well done.

Because I remember now that you’ve said it, I remember saying that and thinking that’s weird.

Normally, we think of golden sunlight.

31:46 – 31:47

I think there was something about chicken

Like, I think that was supposed

to be in there.

31:54 – 31:58

It sounded like I’m complaining about a chicken or I I can’t remember.

31:58 – 31:59


32:01 – 32:03

Mhmm. Anything else you wanna say?

32:07 – 32:09

No. Other than I’m oddly a little cold.


00:00 – 00:00


We’re starting this again. This is part 2, Sunday, October 27, 2024.

We just did a spirit box session.

D said he wants better headphones, so making a note of that and now D’s gonna do a meditation.

I guess since they were pretty insistent before that I play music, I guess I’ll keep doing that

and I’ll just let D say what comes to mind.

01:24 – 01:28

First thing that comes to mind is the constellation of a whale.

I’m not actually seeing stars just like dots that

make me think or give me the impression of whale.

I see a huge hand that looks like

it’s made of mossy earth hovering over a, rolling plains kind of landscape.

I also get the impression that’s not that important.

I see a mug of something on a table, a yellow liquid.

You know, it’s, it’s easy to think beer, but I don’t think it’s beer.

I think it’s something else. There’s no head necessarily.

I feel like there’s a bunch of people standing around watching us in the way that, like, people might gather around a street performer.

04:21 – 04:22

Well, hello. I guess that’s

what I’m doing in a way.

Hope you’re enjoying it.

I’m fairly confident that a Greek [instrument] has never been in

this forest before me, so it’s new.

04:45 – 04:47

It might be the music

It also might be the the reason why the music is so helpful as it stops

people and gets them to focus on you for a minute.

Just saw a big heart shape made of light.

Like, it was very three-dimensional.

And a pole I’m looking down a pole.

It’s got leaves on it.

It makes me think because I’m looking down at clouds and it’s coming up through clouds, which

of course makes me think of,

Jack and the beanstalk.

06:02 – 06:03

That’s a classic story.

Although Jack was kind of a dick, I’m just gonna say.

06:40 – 06:48

I’m actually getting a little soreness behind this eye, so I think we’re gonna go ahead and call it. I’m sorry.

06:48 – 06:55

No. That’s alright. That was useful to know that the music might be drawing people.

06:56 – 06:56


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