102024 Starways
Speaker 1
Alright. Hello hello to our forest friends here in beautiful SFB Morse Preserve.
You may recognize us. I’m K.
This is D. It is Sunday, October 20th 2024.
We are a little bit over from a place we’re normally at, the same general vicinity. We don’t have the spirit box this time. Well, we have it, but we’re gonna try something different. D is gonna meditate. We’ll do some meditation too, and, we’ll say what we hear and see, I mean. We’re hoping to talk to–well, I’m hoping to talk to– some kind, friendly beings who know more about the universe in our world than we do and who’d like to share it with us. Could be the beings we’ve spoken to here before, other beings passing through.
And if D has anything else that he wants to intend, he can say so.
Speaker 2
We send gratitude and love and energy to our spirit friends, those who protect us and keep an eye out for things. And, also, White Fox and who seem to help with making connections. And White Fox for your brilliant insights and discernment and ability to sniff out connections. For any issues that arise, we have other spirit friends. But, otherwise, we create a space full of love and companionship and sharing. We shared some great cakes. Some cakes.
They might be great, and some water.
Speaker 1
And some music.
Speaker 2
Share some music and and even some energy that will sink into the ground for the trees and. Are we ready? Mhmm. Okay. First thing that’s coming to mind is a large, healthy woman always topless and holding a long stick, like a walking stick, and has pale skin, like kind of Nordic and dirty blonde hair in braids. And she seems to be singing, which brings to mind opera singers, but that’s not it’s not opera. It’s more like chanting.
And she’s having a darn good time.
Speaker 1
What are her surroundings like?
Speaker 2
We’ll see better different kind of woods than here. No Spanish, moss, deciduous trees. Have a sensation of curiosity from close in this direction. This is, like, my 11 o’clock position. Mhmm. Slightly to the right and or I mean, the left and in front. Not far away.
Maybe 15 to 30 feet, which is a ride range because I have a terrible sense of distance.
Speaker 1
I wonder who it is.
Speaker 2
It wonders who you are.
Speaker 1
Well, hello. I’m K.
I’m a human being. I don’t live here, but I like to visit here. And who are you?
Speaker 2
I have a sense of kind of a picture of a wild man, but not a Bigfoot wild man. More like thinner, upright, kinda gangly arms, Less football player, more, I don’t know, math geek but covered in fur.
Speaker 1
What should we call you?
Speaker 2
When you said that, the first thing that came to mind was curious. Right. Well, it seems more like a description than a name.
Speaker 1
It’s okay. Do you live here? Are we in your home? [Dog runs into our area!] Hi. How are you? Yeah. We have a little visitor.
A beautiful black dog who is coming out of nowhere and is lapping up all of the crumbs from the millet cakes. Alright. Yeah. You have a collar. It’s beeping, so I assume that your human is around here somewhere. You should go find them. Bye bye.
Speaker 2
I feel like that was relevant.
Speaker 1
What was that? The curious?
Speaker 2
You know, it’s kind of the right energy, to be honest.
Speaker 1
That’s kind of hilarious. I know you
Speaker 2
Like, went right straight from right below my feet where I was dripping crumbs. Yeah. Dropping and dropping crumbs.
Speaker 1
Well, alright. We had a fun visitor.
Speaker 2
I I’m also confused by the fact that I don’t even hear any sign of a human that would be with that dog.
Speaker 1
No. But it makes me wonder if the way its collar kinda beeped. If it first like, if it kinda ran off the head and its human was like, alright. Come on
Speaker 2
back. Yeah. Wow. That that just managed to be part of all this.
Speaker 1
Random dog.
Speaker 2
Well, let’s, try this again. The sirens are indicative of the fact that we are not far from town. Mhmm.
Speaker 1
From a major highway.
Speaker 2
It’s both literally and energetically kind of quiet. I mean, you know, obviously, we have sirens, but Mhmm. Our immediate surroundings are pretty quiet. We don’t have the breeze or a whole lot of birds.
Speaker 1
Do you remember the first time we meditated here and there’s, like, this tunnel underground? You had to, like, go up to a big stone. There’s some kind of entity with, like, almost made me think of, like, a tree person. It was almost I don’t know if it was guarding it or what, but it seemed friendly towards me.
Speaker 2
A recent thought one of us had regarding these practices or spirit friends or something …is correct (meaning he got a sense of “YES” in the meditation)? There’s some sort of, yes. That’s right. But I’m not a 100% certain what it applies to.
Speaker 1
Do you mean a thought, like, that just happens literally or more
Speaker 2
If the thought just happened, then let me know what it was. Well But if there’s nothing specific, then it might have been something, more general. But if there was a thought…
Speaker 1
I mean, in general, I’ve been thinking a lot about how gods might be, like, spiritual entities that we as human beings perceive through the lens of our culture. So they’re syncretic in a way. They always will be. I remember you seem to get some sort of phrase in our last session that was basically work with what you have, and you interpreted that as, like, if the name and description of some other culture’s interpretation of that god is familiar, it’s okay to use it. But I personally think that it’s like it’s the same base. The flavor will be different based on the culture that the person has or the experience that they have. I don’t know. What have you been thinking?
Speaker 2
I think the main realization that I’ve had recently is that in my workings with my spirit friends, including the house guardians, there needs to be more fun. More fun.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 2
But fun can have many forms, including exploration. So I invite
all of our
spirit friends to explore with us today. Oh, I just heard a creek running that obviously is not here.
Speaker 1
Oh, can you sense where the creek is in your mind’s eye?
Speaker 2
The hearing of it would have been to my left, but I feel like it’s more like on a mountain. That could mean, like, a California mountain
Speaker 1
Sure. Hills. If you walk towards it.
Speaker 2
Yes. Fire in the form of warm creative energy. The kind that keeps things from freezing and nurtures the cream. Somebody in between us and the creek. There’s a large, like, uncovered boulder, and the person is sitting on it just watching, very pleasantly, a little bit amused, a little bit welcoming. Getting masculine energy, but very pleasant. Some very native energy.
Like, you know, I don’t I I’m not the kind of person who likes to pretend to be native or anything, but the, the greeting of “AHO” came to mind. There’s an invitation to visualize walking down that gate up up the creek. Actually, going against the current a bit. It’s very shallow. It’s not a big creek and not that fast, but it wraps around your ankles and carries away some attachments. There’s also friendly sun energy. In that warm, nurturing fire kinda way.
Speaker 1
Hello to the sun.
Speaker 2
These are activating in the actual forest around us.
Speaker 1
How so?
Speaker 2
Maybe it’s just that it got used to our presence.
Speaker 1
I feel a kind of chill that happens when I think spirits may be around. Mhmm.
Speaker 2
I feel like there’s a lot more movement. Mhmm. But it’s not that concerned with us. Mostly, it started up because it’s less concerned with us. Yeah. You can hear the noises a little bit more now. Yeah. While this is going on, I’m still visualizing walking up the creek with some sort of natural water socks on.
I see more like sandals. Just a step up from flip flops.
Speaker 1
Are you by yourself?
Speaker 2
Not exactly. The man that greeted me is here. The the other presence is you, and the warm nurturing fire has a presence. The creek has a little bit of presence. The beastmen is completely gone. I wonder if it really did have something to do with that dog [A random black dog ran into our little tree alcove, gobbled up the crumbs of our ritual cake offerings, then tore out of there. He was obviously someone’s dog because he had a collar, which beeped after awhile and the dog took off as though being summoned. But we never saw nor heard the human]. Are you also visualizing going to the tree?
Speaker 1
Now I’m trying to get my chair stable. But, yes, I was.
Speaker 2
I’m, getting to a wider and yet deeper spot, which is interesting. There’s, I can get up to my knees now. And if I go down on my knees and sit on my heels, the water actually rushes up to my, lower chest. I’m going to splash it all over my head and face, my shoulders, maybe even put my whole face down into it. It’s cool, clean, not cold, but cool water. When my head is underwater, I feel like the muted sounds of the running of the creek sounds like a lot of conversation that I can’t understand any of it. Like, a lot of conversation in another room.
I don’t hear it when my head’s out of the water. A little further up the creek is a bridge that I could easily walk under while standing up. And then there’s a domicile, I’m building a small house. Mhmm. But it’s, like, mostly taken by the woods, covered in lichen and moss.
Speaker 1
Do you think you’ll go check it out?
Speaker 2
It keeps alternating between having a feeling of lively activity and being completely abandoned and taken over by the forest.
Speaker 1
Maybe you’re sensing 2 different times.
Speaker 2
I’m stopped at the bridge, staring at the spot. It’s not large, but it has different parts to the house. Like, it might have been a one room cabin and then somebody over many years added on to it with a sloping roof on one side. There’s a side part with a smaller entrance. I think it’s like storage and the place for animals. I don’t think it’s relevant, but I realized just now that I’m *fahrevoir*. But I don’t think it’s the same.
It’s just a coincidence.
Speaker 1
Do you want to go into the house?
Speaker 2
It becomes less distinct as I try to get closer. Sometimes I see an antenna on top of the house. Sometimes it’s the roof is collapsed in places, and there’s moss everywhere. It’s a bit of fog. Just like a forest mist. There is a chair inside that was once a big comfy chair. It’s also been taken over by the elements.
There are literally small plants growing up in the chair. There’s a wooden floor. Slats on packed earth. You know that because some of the slats have been pushed up by plant growth. The walls are handled with the slats. They’re not it’s not like a rough log cabin. It has walls.
They’re pretty sturdy, actually. Sturdier than the robe.
Speaker 1
Do you think there’s anything there for you? That’s left there for you?
Speaker 2
There’s a stove, and it’s not going. There’s ashes inside, and I think there’s a silver ring on a chain in the ashes. The ring doesn’t close completely. And it’s got some sort of filigree pattern on it.
It doesn’t close completely. How is it on the chain?
Speaker 1
Is there an inscription on the ring or anything?
Speaker 2
I think it says wanderer inscribed on the inside.
Speaker 1
Oh, wonder why it’s in a stove.
Speaker 2
There are some blue curtains up in an area, but they’re meant to cover something up. They’re not for windows.
Speaker 1
What are they covering?
Speaker 2
I, apparently, am choosing to be polite and not look. Mhmm. All of a sudden, it was back to being taken over by the forest and through the, holes in the ceiling. I got touched by shafts of sunlight. There’s a small round table outside in the back. No chairs. It’s a bit like a the whole area is a clearing, so there’s a bit of a meadow kind of feel around the table.
It’s ankle high grasses and leaves and pine needles. The table is wooden with alternating pieces of wood and, like, a pattern is not important. It just it’s not that smooth, so it’s kinda rough. There’s a smell of pine, which varies all the There are intertwined trees around here.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
I don’t exactly see any, but I just know they’re here. This can be like a single tree whose two trunks that developed are mostly wrapped around each other
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
a couple of smaller trees were growing around each other. Let’s go down in front of the trees. Okay. And go down. See if there’s boy to tap into a tree net. Thick plant with fluffy red. Fluffy and also kinda spiky flower. Red red.
Like, Indian paintbrush red. I’m sorry. I think I started to fall asleep. Okay. Let’s pause for a minute.
Part II: Spirit Box
00:01 – 00:05
Okay. We are back with part 2 on Sunday, October 20th.
We didn’t have much hopping during the meditation, so we’re gonna do the spirit box.
And, the first thing D heard was something like “this is the opportunity”, which mirrors something
that we heard, last month on 15th.
The very first thing he heard was
“if you if you look back, this is the opportunity that’ll prepare you.”
00:34 – 00:39
We’re accomplishing detecting trails in the forest.
00:41 – 00:45
Wow. Okay. Where do these trails lead?
00:50 – 00:51
Come along.
00:54 – 00:59
Okay. Well, where where are you going on these trails?
Where do the trails lead you?
We can’t literally follow you since we’re sitting here talking, but maybe metaphorically we could.
01:23 – 01:30
Night, moon, and high.
Night moon. Well, we’ve had a beautiful full moon recently.
Why did you bring up the moon?
01:53 – 01:57
Hold that pledge while listening.
And no worrying that I didn’t prepare more.
02:10 – 02:15
Okay. Yeah. There’s no need to worry about anything that I know of.
It sounds like you’re going on a journey. Maybe at night?
02:37 – 02:37
02:39 – 02:42
Something’s odd? What’s odd?
02:50 – 02:54
Otherworldly. I keep I keep seeing it.
02:55 – 03:02
You keep seeing the otherworld. Wow. That must be fascinating. What are you seeing?
I mean, what’s it like?
03:13 – 03:15
You’ll be 2 and 2.
03:20 – 03:24
Well, there are 2 of us here, me and D, if that’s what you mean.
03:33 – 03:35
It wouldn’t have worked out.
Usually, she says, don’t be shy. Come on down, girl.
03:44 – 03:48
So you said usually. Does that mean she didn’t say it this time?
03:48 – 03:50
I just woke up.
03:50 – 03:56
You just woke up. Okay. Alright. Well, hello.
I hope you had good rest.
Sounds like somebody usually encourages you to–
04:05 – 04:12
life’s a talk to you, time, intergenerational, intergalactic.
04:14 – 04:15
Are you talking about the ancestors of me and D? Maybe your ancestors? And intergalactic?
Are you talking about civilizations on another planet, another galaxy?
04:42 – 04:45
A something something carving.
04:47 – 04:51
Tell me more about the carving.
D is holding a stone with a carved symbol on it, if that’s what you mean. It’s a Reiki symbol.
05:04 – 05:07
Nature is playing a role.
05:10 – 05:18
Yes. Well, where we are right now, we’re in a forest, and there’s lots of beautiful nature around. Where are you?
05:52 – 05:54
I heard you sing this song.
05:57 – 05:59
I was humming a song earlier.
Is that what you mean?
If so, I hope you liked it.
06:09 – 06:11
Body moving.
06:16 – 06:19
Well, maybe you’re moving right now.
We are sitting still so that we can have this conversation with you.
06:32 – 06:47
Why you should support a way for also free, he and his parents.
06:52 – 07:02
Are you saying we you’d like us to help free somebody and his parents? That was kinda confusing.
I’m not sure what you meant.
07:06 – 07:07
Something grand.
07:09 – 07:10
Grand. Okay.
Can you try again? I didn’t really understand what you meant about freeing somebody and their parents.
07:30 – 07:33
That form is the all time
realist. (realest?)
07:43 – 07:48
The all time realist form. Okay. Well, what’s that form?
Many forms in the universe.
Which one do you mean?
07:57 – 08:02
Pardon my Latin, real mom coming down.
08:05 – 08:06
Maybe you mean MC
08:06 – 08:08
Mirror in the folk music.
08:12 – 08:16
A real mama in the folk music is coming down.
Well, maybe you mean MC
Maybe you’re talking about that old folk song, She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain.
08:34 – 08:35
I can help.
08:36 – 08:38
Oh, okay. What can you help with?
08:49 – 08:50
I found a huge
08:56 – 09:02
Oh, that sounds cool. Is a star-way like a stairway?
Leads up to the stars? Goes through the stars?
09:15 – 09:17
I have a world that can wait.
09:18 – 09:21
You said we got a world that can wait. Okay.
What’s the world waiting for? Your world?
09:34 – 09:36
09:38 – 09:39
Hallelujah. Okay.
09:39 – 09:41
It’s like sugar by the pound.
09:43 – 09:51
That was a dude on a bike who just whizzed past us on this path. Just for the recording.
Also, I dropped the phone. Sorry about that.
09:59 – 10:01
Keep in tune.
10:05 – 10:09
Was I out of tune when I was singing or playing? It might have been.
I didn’t tune my [instrument].
You were talking about a starway
You found a huge starway.
Where does that lead to, or what does the starway do?
10:35 – 10:40
The important area is knowing this.
10:56 – 10:57
Knowing what?
11:10 – 11:12
I’m always in front.
Including protect women.
11:21 – 11:24
Oh, well, I’m glad you’re protect women.
It’s too bad that women need to be protected, but I’m glad that you’re doing it.
So you’re always in front.
Are you in front of us right now, you do you think?
I can’t see you if you are.
11:54 – 11:55
I’ll never
be a secret out
free ignition. I can try.
12:20 – 12:22
Well, what happens when you try?
12:30 – 12:31
You make so good.
12:33 – 12:35
I make what so good?
Can you be more specific?
12:46 – 12:48
Everyone was feeling alright.
It looks like we gotta say thank you.
12:58 – 13:00
Oh, really? Why do you have to say thank you?
What are you thanking for?
13:47 – 13:48
And then goes higher?
13:58 – 14:02
Well, I haven’t really understood the last few things that you’ve said.
So can you try again and communicate whatever it is that you want to tell us?
Like, what’s the the important thing you want us to know?
14:15 – 14:23
Nearly 7. She don’t know which at the current pace.
That still leans towards 3,000 answers.
14:31 – 14:33
Wow. That’s a lot of answers.
What is the subject of the answers?
What are the answers about?
14:53 – 14:54
This weekend is joy.
14:57 – 15:00
I’m glad. I’m glad you’re feeling joy this weekend.
I felt some joy this weekend too.
So the answers are about joy?
15:14 – 15:15
Who else would know?
15:17 – 15:24
Well, you’re talking to D, so he might know. As for who else,
I am not sure. There’s so many choices.
15:32 – 15:32
Far away.
15:33 – 15:39
Somebody far away. No. That doesn’t really narrow it down too much.
Do you have any questions for us?
15:52 – 15:59
Dozens of towers and mobility of the Earth.
It’s a world service.
16:05 – 16:12
Mobility of the Earth. Now you might be talking celestially, like the Earth’s orbit, or you
might be talking about, like, tectonic plates.
16:14 – 16:16
Now is a time.
16:16 – 16:20
Now is definitely a time. Yes. Okay.
Why did you bring up mobility of the earth?
What’s your time cycle?
17:03 – 17:04
Can be deeper.
17:09 – 17:16
Something can be deeper. The mobility of the Earth? The time cycle? Something else?
17:22 – 17:24
can we do to make it easier to communicate with you?
17:36 – 17:46
Tell us a little bit more about that panel and the version of live?
17:48 – 17:58
Oh, that panel. Gosh. What could you mean by that panel? Version of live?
Can you explain more what you mean by–what are you asking me to talk about?
I’m sorry. I don’t understand.
18:21 – 18:22
What did you do?
18:27 – 18:38
I mean, when? I I got out of bed this morning, brushed my teeth, drank some coffee.
I played my [instrument], we came down here.
18:40 – 18:41
An eye opener.
18:42 – 18:43
Coffee? Yeah. It is.
18:45 – 18:54
I came down here to this forest. I played my [instrument].
I hummed a bit of a song
and meditated with D. And now we’re talking to you on the spirit box.
19:10 – 19:11
If somebody studied
19:22 – 19:27
I took a physics class in high school, but that was a long time ago. What about studying physics?
I think D did too.
19:51 – 19:52
D: Okay. I keep dozing off for micro-naps.
20:01 – 20:07
Okay. Well, then thank you to our forest spirit friends here.
It was nice talking with you, and, we’ll come back another time.