011523 Wind and Rain
Welcome! Sunday, Jan 15th 2023 at home. Hoping to speak to MC and forest friends. Big storm outside.
[Explains how the box works]
Hang on. It’s friendly.
Great, good to have friends
You’re friendly dragons? Is this a dragon we know? We know several.
God it’s pouring rain
Yes, it’s windy and stormy out there
Maybe afterwards, ok?
Are you saying you can’t talk during the storm
Ok, if you need to leave, feel free. We’ll leave the radio on for awhile.
Right. it’s gonna throw high (hi?) Bird
Birds are going to be high? Well they’re probably tucked away somewhere dry. Why do you bring up birds a lot? What do they mean to you?
It’s January for us. Is it feb for you?
Things in all think about it as a doctor
IDU, can you try conveying the message again?
These are nuts
What’s nuts? Or do you want nuts?
Hi, hi!
Hi! Who am I talking to?
See, see us
Where should I look?
I’m looking around but I don’t see anything unusual
This is it
Hearts beating
Are you talking about our hearts beating or yours
Dude point, it’s the law
Pointing is the law?
Oh ok. Just a little bit
Who am I talking to?
Join and GO! New book.
Well, the newest book in our house is by Brother Richard, called still points
What do you say
Well, I haven’t started it, but I usually like what he talks about even though I’m not Catholic.
ç. Welcome back
Why did you say that?
That’s what I mean
That’s not super clear to me. Tell me who I’m talking to or tell me something about yourself
Looks like everything, like popcorn. hello!
Not that, the speech. David
That’s Dave. Do you want to say something to him?
Him. Perfect place, holding
Is he doing a good job at place holding? Do you mean he’s holding some energy open for you so we can talk
Electricity, rain
Does that make it harder to talk?
Yeah, that
I’m curious, do you know why? What about rain makes it harder to talk
Starting over
Ok, we’re starting over. Hello, who am i speaking to?
Wait, it’s starting at this point
Hello, then, I hope you’re safe from the storm. Is everything ok where you are?
See if we can make it
It’s ok if you can’t, I don’t want you to have to do something hard to speak with us
Tight, thirsty, and on earth to you!
If you’re thirsty, there’s some earl grey tea on the table.
Yes, what do you want to say to Dave, or why do you keep saying his name Do you have a message for him
No idea. It’s like a particle
What is?… I was hoping to speak to MC Is she available?
Time O’clock!
It’s a little after 10:30. What’s your time cycle?
Uh, the term is patience.
It seems like it’s challenging to talk today. Quite a racket all there with all the wind. What’s new in your world?
Will this be a Hopi one?
Hopi, like the indigenous people? We’re not Hopi
Sitting in for faith. We used to walk it
You used to walk the Hopi faith? They have some interesting beliefs
The walls are protectors
That’s true, especially on a night like tonight
That happened.
What did? Do you want to talk about something that happened?
You know, it’s pretty advanced if you question this equation and the tone shorts, and I’ll try it
Tell me what you mean by tones or equations. I was playing tones earlier
the sun awakens
I guess it will awaken soon. How do you mean that? Like the sun will rise in the sky in the morning
It’s especially cold without it
Yes, we definitely need the sun for life to flourish and have warmth. What made you want to talk about the sun?
Smart, it happens
Is there anything you’d like us to know
Right, right, objectively started then
I am curious—
territory, territory
Ok, tell me about your territory. Where is it? And why is it yours? Or maybe you mean our territory or someone else’s? Wondering why you said that
Think so, related to free, then
Free territory?
Friends, yours
It’s good to have friends. I wish I knew which friends we were talking to. Or … were you trying to say that our house is our spirit friends’ territory? It’s tough to know what you mean when we talk through the radio
This should be easy, standing up, swing two, and then stationary
No, wait
Extant, to living, two bigs faces…Si (see?)
Are you talking about me and Dave’s faces?
It’s a framework
Tell me more about it
I’m here?
Where are you, where should I look?
Who did?
Well, come out … to us
Am I listening to our spirit friends (dragons, white fox, etc) talking to someone else?
Two person presentation, guardians. Kate!
Yes, hello, that’s me
Green wall
You make it for them
We make a green wall for sombody? Like a wall of plants?
Did I did I get ‘em? You need info for this chat
Yes, the info I’d like is to know who I’m talking to, like a name or something about yourself.
Tell it
IDK what you want me to tell
I’m just going to say some things I’m curious about, IDK if you can answer (starts to ask about MC)
Post-storm. Take the reason.
What is the reason? You mean something after the storm right now has passed?
For you
What is it, what do you have for me
We played
You played for me? What were you playing?
You would have been all right
I WOULD have? Am I not all right now
Why did you say wired?
Sphere significant, not quite verbal , look out, that’s why newer one gets all that
Try that again, I don’t think Dave understood. What should I be looking out for?
Yeah, it’s nothing, it’s not permanent
What’s your main message for me? Or Dave?
We used to live like that here
You used to live here? Are you a dead person?
Not exactly. Innocent posture
You feel innocent.
I like 17 but not forever
Do you mean the age 17? What do you mean that you used to live like that here
You used to take shelter here? Or do you need it
70 feet? Feet. Machisma
IDK if that word makes sense . Do you need help?
It’s been working. there, and one above
What’s above? It’s kind of hard—
Beneath the house is dirt
Sort of. It’s more sand than dirt but you’re correct
There’s no place better
Than under the house? Why do you want to be under the house?
Nice presents (presence)
Huh. That’s hard to imagine. Why did you bring up … under the house?
That is to prevent and to help. Beautiful place?
Am I talking to the 2 being who want to guard our home?
Doma watch the agents, inspired
You were inspired by watching agents. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard doma before in these sessions. Is that your name, Doma? Tell me more about what you were inspired to do
It’s not happening in there that much. See, hallelujah
Hallelujah isn’t happening under the house? Tell me what you’re inspired to do
You’re right
About what?…. Tell me what you were inspired to do. How did we find each other?
We found each other through blocks? Or are you saying you’re blocked from talking about that?
Ten, ok?
Ok. Ten what?
What does the word mean to you
It’s a number
Doctor sloth
What is that?
Right? It was nonsense
I bet a lot of what was said could be nonsense
Now that it’s back, waiting still
What are you waiting for?
I’m just going to assume I’m talking to the house guardians. We said that’s ok and you’re welcome to stay, but we need to work on it a bit more—
Yes, structure. We’re still working on that though. In the mean in time, have you figured out what form you want to take?
Wind and rain.
Hmm … I was thinking more like an animal that we could interact with. it’s harder to …
Yeah people
You want to be people? What are some distinguishing characteristics about the people you want to be? I ask so that when I see you, I’ll be able to recognize you
Yeah, that’s the case in that
So you have to describe yourself to me so I know what to look for
Every phenomenon
That’s pretty broad. IDK if you can be every phenomenon. … tell me about what form you want to take
[Dave’s having trouble with the box]
It’s the weather, right?
Thanks for trying your best. Is there something we can do to make it easier to talk during the storm?
[Dave takes off headphones]