042322 ghosts fail so often

Hello to our spirit friends (living room) (gives the spiel)

Yes, yes, yes

Haha, you’re used to that

Good luck, boss



Hi! Who am I talking to?

There is a moment for each under the stars

We have a similar phrase, “Each person has a moment in the sun”

Grand and oldie

Are you grand old beings? We like talking to old beings

I’ll leave it open to her face

Are you able to [was going to ask if they can see and hear us physically]


Are you able to hear us … are you seeing and hearing what we say? Or is there some other way we’re communicating.



Miniatures of late

Like we appear to you as..

Peace, 54 in the beginning. Reality.

Is your reality different than what Dave and I experience?

Seems healthy.

How is your reality different?

I’m in here.

Ok, welcome.

Higher than that’s thought.

So you reality is on a higher plane than ours.


Ok, maybe not. Can you tell us how…

I know.

How your world is different than ours?

Just prior. How many lessons each.

IDK. What kind of lessons?

Lovely quarter.

Do you like things we set out for you?

Also into the age.

I would love to hear if you have a message

Think 54.

I’m just going to listen now.

Call ‘em back. That was it. Spooky stuff!

Yeah, some people think this is spooky. Do you?

Honey, earth is four or five.

Four or five what. The earth is old than four or five years

I think exclusive, use it.

What should we use?

Like a spaceship. Eagles are flying.

You’ve said eagles several times. What should we know about eagles?

Somebody, a few more, going on. Yeah, yeah I’l let them know

What is your relationship to eagles?

The sun [mmissed it]

Try again. What’s—

A word is, the main topic, 950. I can finish.

Ok, go ahead and finish what you were saying. you were talking about eagles.

The usage, the holding, A lot is possible.

How are eagles used.

The ace broke up. [ICE broke up?]

What does that mean?

Hundreds of them disappear.

What disappears. I don’t understand, hundreds of what.

here, spread out,18, they grasped

I don’t understand. You often say hundreds, why.

Assistance. (Assistants)

Do you …

Never seen this.

Is something new or surprising?

Celibates. (Salivates??)

Is everything ok for you?

Here’s a super thing. Walking off, strong.

What’s disappearing.

And a crack in the general tour. The thing is, this is an enterprise

You talking to us is an enterprise?

Yeah, definitely.

And enterprise like a business?

The barracuda.

What about the barracuda?

To the right of them.

Of us? There’s a barracuda to the right of us? Uh oh. That sounds scary.

It keeps wowing I mean, I seen it. Remember how much. Will surf (serve?) too and heal itself. With us it’s nice.

It’s nice when someone is healing themselves

Looking for resurrection and wisdom

What kind of wisdom are you interested in and who needs to be resurrected.

Very strange. Both are celebrating, so balanced, no fighting now.

That sounds good. Who are you talking about?

The point is, energy and synergy working.

What should we do to have energy and synergy working together.

Faith again.

Faith and belief?

Ghosts fail so often.

Haha, well ghosts are only human, huh?

Many wants.

Ghosts want a lot of things and sometimes they fail?

Beings like us.

Are you saying you’re like ghosts?

Fall call, say yes?

Are you ghosts?

All the way. Good to go. Payment in roses.

I’m sorry I don’t have any roses. There are rose bushes around here but IDK if they’re blooming. Who needs to be resurrected? You said that earlier.

Seven to nine rose petals, lovely.

It sounds like you like roses.

Significance, I want to get the [something]

What do roses mean to you?

Think of something

Um, roses represent love to a lot of people

Papa the Fox!

Fox? We have a white fox that’s a friend of ours.

Habits. Nearly everywhere.

What habits do you have.

About half that. So, ok?

I’m curious, are you ghosts? Is that who I’m talking to, a ghost?

The options are willing.

Are you saying you COULD be a ghost if I wanted you to? Is that what you mean by options?

That on the hill.

What’s on the hill. We were on a hill today, talking to an old lady from Paraguay

Waiting for that

You were waiting for us to be on a hill?


What’s important about the hill?


Something old was on the hill.

Whatever it turns out, it’s in the milk

Milk. I don’t understand that.

  1. 72.

1872, like the year 1872?

Sleep (sweet?)

If you’re a ghost, did you die in 1872

I’m back then

Wow, a lot of time has gone past. What kind of person were you back in 1872

That’s huge

Yes, that’s very long time ago. Did you live here in 1872

I promise Good

You promise good things

What could, what could I do?

Are you asking what we want you to do? We want you to be happy and ..

A few feet.

What about a few feet.


How did you come to be here talking to us?

I work gladly

Ok, what kind of work do you do

Seven places. It’s gonna be a harmony. [Dave hears applause twice, says it sounds out of place.] Again [more applause] There most going to get tacos.

Haha, we do have tacos.


What do you want to say to Dave?

You … breaking

[the signal dies on the radio]

Sorry for the disruption…


Yes, we’re in California. Can you hear us now.

Studied some. We’re going to this.

What did you study?

The fateful moment

Tell me about the fateful moment. There‘Ve been many throughout history.

Kate! Uh…

Hi, that’s me.

We all give have  these walls

You have walls. Well, is that a good thing or bad thing.

Business for free.

You want to give us your business free of charge?

Blue and silver.

That’s a lovely color combination. Why did you say it?

Not our special

What about blue and silver.

First in the sun.

Are you wanting to help us with something? Am I interpreting that right/

David and Baxter said the best thing.

What did they say?


Who’s Baxter?

Yes. Tossed straight.

So you talked about a fateful moment, what were you talking about? What does that mean?

Anyone here here lasers (laces?) might be in the preference



We were listening to a song about magic today. [America’s “You can do magic.”] Do you like magic?

And you’re out there.

Well right now we’re in here

Feels like it’s going on.

Yeah, magic might be going on.

Your sounds.

The sounds of my voice? Or when I was playing harp earlier, the strings?

In the palfrey. [A docile horse for women, archaic term] There it is.

Palfrey. I don’t know that word.

They’re not gonna believe us

Maybe that’s their problem. Do you need someone to believe you about something?

Watch, right there, the speech on faith.

You said faith a few times. Why? What does that mean to you?

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Seize the most and scissors past.

You said scissors last time, too.

With notes like soul’s purpose

Wow, there’s a lot that’s interesting there. Tell me about soul’s purpose.


Tell me about Dave’s souls’ purpose.

2, 3, how much.

Two plus three is five. Is that what you’re asking?

Strategy, so mysterious. Curious.

What are you curious about? If I know the answer to your question, I’ll try to explain.

Something 3-d. I’m gonna bring enough … different oysters.

All right. Do you have a question for us? You can ask it.


I’m not sure why you said that.

Understood. Navigating planks. On a mission.

You’re on a mission to navigate planks? What’s your mission?

And with us. The time is set up. Are you two other, civil. (Sybil?)

I like to think we’re civil people and we might be “other”


We might be different than you if that’s what you’re asking

In the right

Are we in the right? I like to think so, but sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re always doing the right thing


[Battery dies, replaces battery]

Sorry for the delay, our battery died

Found it!!

Yes, here we are again, hello. You had a question for us, say it again

Responsive. This is a thing.

Yes, do you have a question.


What is


Yes I was playing my harp

Game’s on

Did you like it?

Hit me.

Hit you? No.

The most, sing. I’ll listen or now.

You want me to sing now?

Happy head

You want me to sing a happy song

Your hands do. [Hands are singing when playing harp?] Patience, skin is celebrating.

What’s the skin celebrating?


You still want me to sing,g umm

Bend to use these, bend them. Right here and in a couple of places, two of them. down. Bailey Cruz. turn it.

Wow … it sounds like you have a lot to say

Tie a little bit of it in the corner.

You want something in the corner?


You want a seahorse in the corner. I don’t have one.

Kind of fish.

Yes, it is. Why are you talking about it.

Sweets, you’ll work it out. This is the day (Dane?). Ducks. Ups.

Yeah, ducks flying? Is that wha you mean?

It’s a t-shirt. Booth, Walter, you know i think headed, snotty

Headed snotty, allergies?

Great on potatoes, for instance. Wait. Wolf! He’s heard.

Like Vrov? Or … why did you say wolf?

In a few seconds, that the first one like, total in the weather, ten, nine eight. [DG: these were different voices saying each number]

Sounds like a countdown

Bien, very one crawl crawl

I haven’t really understood

Starts, starts light having trouble presenting

Oh you’re having some trouble? I can hear you, one or two words at a time

We want steps. There.

Can we help to communicate better?

Remember, down inside that, under here. It’s help and support.

Are you saying we have help and support

Bridge up to.

Are you a bridge to a different reality or something?


What would you like us to know

Paint a source

What would you like us to know

The title of the point after, here at the Wyoming service (dg doesn’t think that was right] circular and only tonight.

somethings’ only tonight? Tell me more about that, what’s only tonight.

But it looks like how time but it’s like no one crashed to here, taking care of us, friendly evidence, abutment

Do you need someone to take care of you? Do you need help?

We’re destined.

For what?

That world. Aces.

You said aces a couple of times, what do you mean? Which would are you destined for, our world here?

You’re absolute of the time zones

Are you saying you want to come here to our world

Of the prophecies pillar training. The winners

What’s the prophecy?


Are you near us right now?

Do I sound ok?

We can hear you, I just don’t understand

Ask me

Are you saying you’re destined for me and Dave’s world that we live in?

We steal …  [dg, I’m sorry/correction] We’re still here, like church question

Church, what do you mean by faith, why have you said that.

She sat each one in ten

I don’t understand that

Herrrr … to give it away in person

You’re talking about a woman, who?

That’s what that means, born lucky.

I hope that’s us! Good to be born lucky. 

You make of it , soon, great stuff

When you said “the church question” were you asking … there was a lady today who asked us if we were church people

Intent. [possible correction of “in ten” above]

Good stuff is coming, were you talking about her question?

Yeah. My fingers for one of these.

Why did you mention here.

Two regulars. Percussion and distress.

Are you in distress?

Also with, will happen in the bigger pieces.

What will happen?

Sing, the next time we meet.

Sing? You want me to sing instead of play harp? [i had played harp before we started the session, deliberately] Is there a kind of song you want me to sing?

[Signal drops]

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