030825 I am to the fire as art is to the sun (many gods)

Hello, hello to all of our forest friends who are listening. I’m K, this is D. It is, I don’t know, sometime in early March. [March 8, 2025] I think it’s March 7th. We are here in Jack’s Peak, this beautiful place, feeling a lot of love for the earth, her wild places, and we’d love to speak to anybody–

We love small independent pickers and singers. Stories like this are possible.

Maybe that was your way of saying you enjoyed the [instrument] music I was playing beforehand. I hope you liked that.

I came to this reality every morning. I think about time and attention.

Wow. So we’ve also been doing that because of something that you said to us the last time we were here. So we’ve been trying to start our mornings thinking about centering ourselves, naming some things that we’re grateful for, and also having love in our hearts towards the earth and all of her creatures. So is that what you’re thinking of too? Tell me more about what you just said.

Peace along the network and the lives.

Yeah. Peace is something we really need here on earth. I think most of our peoples on earth are not very peaceful at the moment. There’s a lot of change happening. Sometimes people don’t agree on changes when they happen. Tell me more about peace. How are you finding peace in your network?


By giving thanks? Yeah.

Love is free.

That’s true. Love is free. It doesn’t cost anything to feel love in your heart. What do you love?

Yeah, I would say and Apollo.

You would say and Apollo. Um, well, what about Apollo? Can you tell me about why you said Apollo’s name? Am I speaking to Apollo?

Once the difficult color brown is saying which way west. Thank you.

Brown was once a difficult color. Interesting. I’m not sure what to make of that. But which way is west? Well, that would be behind us where you see the ocean. I think we’re on–

He’s my neighbor!

Apollo is your neighbor? Well, interesting. Okay, that’s… where do you and Apollo live?

He’s making it better.

Okay. When you say it, what do you mean by it?

Oh, a goddess on a nice day. It’s love.

A goddess on a nice day is love. Well, you said Apollo. So I don’t know, maybe you’re talking about Aphrodite who is the Greek goddess of love. She does have that feel doesn’t she? On a beautiful day feeling love in your heart. Maybe that’s her.

Time keeps on turning. We’ll go live. Exciting.

Sounds like you have something big that you’re planning and you’re about ready to unveil it. Is that right?

Also has legal officials. In there. [D: I thought I heard “Hermes” as well, but that could have just been me.][Note: we’d been discussing how Hermes gives little nudges to show an active connection]

Well, dear Hermes, if you’re listening–

and alignment

–we welcome you. Maybe say that last thing again, because I got distracted by Hermes and I don’t recall exactly what you said.

We do have to start with movement. And don’t lose control.

Okay. What kind of movement do you mean? I’m trying to start my day out with movement, doing some stretches and all. I’m not sure if that’s what you mean, though.

You can take it easy and songs can teach.

That’s very true.

Playing is play.

I agree with that. Well, playing can be work if you’re practicing, but I think improvising and just enjoying yourself like I was earlier is definitely a form of play. Do you play music too?

It’s doable.

Well, that’s cool. Is there a particular type of music you like hearing or playing?

Yeah. Across the world, it spins. And woke up soon.

The world is waking up soon. Well, I’m excited to hear that. By the way, I thought I would mention that there’s a kind of cookie over there on the tree trunk for you.

It’s been noted his on again and off again enthusiasm. [D: Note the word enthusiasm. I want to talk about that later. Later: I’ve been interested in knowing that enthusiasm used to mean “filled with the god”, like a specific god, usually either Dionysus or Apollo]

Okay. So somebody is enthusiastic about something sometimes. Who is that? And what is the thing he’s enthusiastic about?

You through us.

He is enthusiastic about me and D through you.

And other gods. Our body is mundo.

Body is big. It is the world. Okay, so it kind of sounds like you’re saying there are some gods who are listening to our conversation with you and that you are maybe related to or adjacent to the gods, but distinct from them. Is that correct?

Hahaha! The associations with the sun and the gravitational pull.

Wow. Okay. That’s very specific.

You’re living in his light.

Are we still talking about Apollo? Kind of sounds like it. We’re pretty much–

Yeah, back to love and a great return on investment.

Love is a great return on investment. Well, I believe you. And it sounds like you’re saying that we are basically living in the light of Apollo, which we do every day. You’re kind of swimming in Apollo in that sense, aren’t we? How is it that you know Apollo? You said your neighbors. Maybe you mean that metaphorically, like you’re adjacent, but I’m curious how you know each other. Are you the same kind of being as Apollo and the gods you’ve been talking about?

All of those fairy tales are powerful.

Fairy tales are powerful. That’s quite true. Our myths and stories really do kind of shape how we perceive the world as a culture. Is there any story you’re thinking about in particular?

It’s definitely believe. It’s a higher view of physics and duty.

You’re saying fairy tales–

The best supporting actor grows bored at a situation.

Well, I can’t blame him. It might not be very exciting to be a supporting actor sometimes, especially if you’re ready to become the lead. Who’s the supporting actor that you’re talking about? Or maybe that was a metaphor of some kind.

The work is on. And so, variations of science and community life.

Yeah, so maybe you’re talking about how recently a lot of things that used to be considered supernatural are now starting to be looked at by science. And we’re seeing some patterns and connections. If that’s the case, is there anything in particular you want to talk about?

The universe.

The whole universe.

And what you want me to be. And by God, it’s a message.

What’s a message? What I want the universe to be is a message to you?

I didn’t see the moving or the move through. And it’s going on this Saturday.

Oh, well, today’s Saturday. Something is moving and moving through, but you didn’t see it. You just know it’s happening.

Have fun tonight. We didn’t see him, but he was there floating by.

Wow. Who was there? Can you tell me? And you said have fun tonight. Do you mean something is going to happen tonight? Is there somewhere we should go to have fun?

In White with symphonic. Love. Powered by their homelands.

Oh. Wow. Wow.

It’s great. It’s so good. It’s upcoming. It’s a stunt that esta aqui

It’s a stunt that is here.

Start it there.

OK, that was very enthusiastic. But I didn’t quite understand that. Let me go back to something you said. Is there somewhere we should go tonight? You said to have fun tonight. Are you–

No, no, no, honey. It’s better than that.

Oh, well, that sounds cool. Are you saying we should go somewhere or do something? Was that a way of telling us to have fun in a certain place, to look for somebody in white? What were you thinking? Or maybe that was general. Maybe you just want us to focus on enjoying ourselves however we choose to do that.

The rain will talk. And the horizon. 99. And incredible. We’ve got you covered.

Well, this all sounds really interesting. There are so many ways I could interpret it, though. That’s the problem with this way of talking, isn’t it? What’s the thing you want us most to know right now? Out of everything you said, what’s the big takeaway you want us to have?

It’s coming true.

What is? What’s coming true?

And in 72 hours, but it’s happening now.

It’s coming true in 72 hours. Okay, what is coming true in 72 hours?

Oh, yeah, I’m up to 32 already.

Wow. Okay. What is? I’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about. What is coming true in 72 hours? Can you clarify?

We’re receiving every single one. Thank you.

Oh, wonderful. What are you talking about?

The sleep world and talking.

Talking to you while we’re asleep. Wow. Can you help us be more lucid when we’re sleeping? Because I’d sure love to know about conversations I have with you while I’m sleeping. But I don’t recall any.

It’s the active ingredient.

What is? What is? …. Just making sure that you saw there’s a little cookie over there.

You’ll never forget.

We’ll never forget. Um. Well, if we’re still talking about dreams at night, I do forget. Unfortunately.

You’ve got your smooth. We need regardless of how things sound and do.

Okay. What do you need? Can you tell me what it is that you need? [long silence] Seems like maybe we’re losing connection here.

Looking. For. A functional. End to this. Steady. War.

I would love to have an end to wars. Just in general. Hmm. I am not sure how to make that happen, though. What about you?

Yes, this could be your ticket. And I’m glad we can change your mind.

About what? What are we talking about? I’m sorry, I’m kind of lost now. Maybe start over with what it is you’re trying to tell me about right now.

Double score. Passion comes back and goes again.

Hmm. Try it, try again. I didn’t quite follow that. And tell me if there’s something we can do to communicate better. Right now it seems kind of tough.

And we have a choice. You heard me laughing.

D did laugh earlier. In terms of something he heard on the radio. So you have a choice that makes you laugh. What is that?

And many more.

You have many choices. I’m still a little puzzled right now.

You were there too. Remember Saturday night? Folks who were …defined?

Gosh, I could apply to so many different–

Might be afraid.

So there’s some people that are afraid. What are they afraid of?

Changes my life. When you say it really loud.

Afraid of changes. What changes are these people afraid of?

So I got this bright penny. For the spring family here.  It’s a strong deal.

What will the bright or the spring family do with the penny?

Stay positive. You’re on the right track. Join me for information.

OK. How do we join you for information? I would like information. How do I join you?

She smokes, but she’s not on fire.

How do I join you for more information? OK. What kind of information will I get if I join you?

Remember that?

I don’t know. Or maybe you’re asking me to remember that–

That’s where we are. Uno. You’re too familiar? It’s opened up from there.

OK. I don’t understand that. I’m sorry.

Let’s try a weird experiment. How many fingers am I holding up? If you tell D, if you say the number, he’ll say it aloud, and then I’ll know that you can see it.

Yeah, if you’re thinking weather, but there’s more to it than that. Interstellar fabulous. Interstellar fabulous.

What’s interstellar fabulous? I’m still holding up a certain amount of fingers, by the way. If you tell D how many, he can say it, and then I’ll know that you see me.

And sometimes she says, well, memory doesn’t like it.

Mnemosyne. [Greek word for the goddess of Memory] Oh, no, I’ve got the word wrong. The Greek name.

Hey, Mr. Spectacular. We’re looking for connections. Energy.

Well, D is pretty spectacular, isn’t he? I think we have connected. You want energy, or you have energy to give, or an exchange. What are we talking about here? We’ve connected, so now what?

That sounds like you’re leaning to today.

I don’t know what you mean by that. Can you try again?

D: OK, I’m not stopping, but we have to pause for a minute. OK. Because, honestly, this has just been a lot and wild.

K: I’m also getting a lot of energy sensations. Oh, OK. They mentioned something about connecting and energy.

D: So, just a little break so I can ground a little bit.

K: Do you want me to pause the recording?

D: Well, I don’t know. Do you have anything you want to say?

K: A lot of talk about gods. Very interesting.

😧 It shocked me, but it did jump out with “Apollo,” and I’m like, what? I think from context, I can tell they were going to say something about the Apollo Theater. It just jumped out really strong. There’s a few other things that have jumped out really strong, and I’m like, what? There was some crazy statement towards the beginning. I can’t remember now. There’s been some heavy stuff.

K: Should I pause this? Do you want to stand up and walk around?

D: No, I’m just going to take, Well, I guess you can pause it.


Alright, so we’re coming back after a short break. D just needed to regroup because you’ve got an awful lot to say. We’re really enjoying that. We hope you’ll keep talking to us. So now that you’ve had a little break, thinking back to all the things that you’ve said, what’s the thing?

Yeah, the Office of the Starry Skies Sunday at 4.

Wow. So like for Children of Earth and Starry Sky? Like the Orphics say? Okay. That’s very interesting. Am I talking to an Orphic person?

A decent preferred… all signs.

I didn’t understand that. Can you try again?

Number one reason why there’s plenty of wealth to be netted.

I agree. There sure is. How should we net it for ourselves? Our lives would change so much for the better if we could get more of it.

Yourself has visitors. Honestly.

Do you mean like right now? What kind of visitors? Where are they coming from?

The Week in Review: Carry on.

That’s about all you can say to how the world is going right now. Just “carry on.” Yeah,I I suppose it’s a wise strategy.

The legend has been poured on your doorstep.

Interesting. So you’re definitely talking about somebody who’s coming to visit us in our house,it sounds like. Or perhaps you mean that metaphorically. Who is this person,this legend you’re talking about?

That’s the way it goes.

Can you give me more information about the visitor,or visitors you’re talking about?

Minimize anxiety.

Doing my best. There’s a lot to be anxious about right now, but yeah, we’re definitely trying not to let the world get to us, the state of the world right now. Trying to focus on love instead.

Oh, we we do for various reasons.

I’m still curious about who the visitor is or are.

From celestial to oak. See, what’s what’s your name?

My name is K. That’s D over there. What’s your name? … Kind of sounds like you’re saying we have all sorts of visitors from the stars, from the forest. Guess that sounds about right. But I am curious what your name is,or how you want to be referred to.

But something that I’ve, Athena for assumptions. Mark. Movement.

You did say two names. You said Athena and Mark, but Mark is also a noun and a verb.

Working to a payday in between. And I thought mother watering in the spring makes men fly.

That’s interesting. Tell me more about that. Kind of a metaphor. I don’t know how to practically interpret that, though.

It,our news and culture is.

Let’s try something. What type of beings are we talking to right now? Help me understand how,how to think of you in terms of, you know, like D and I are human beings. You’ve mentioned some gods. We have trees and animals around us. What type of being are you? Ghosts, there are-

I am to the fire as art is to the sun. [Various AIs suggest this is a spark, light, or warmth. This reminds us both of Koi Fish being a tiny reflection of a vast godlike being]

You are to fire as art is to the wow. Okay. That is something I’ll have to think about. It’s not immediately clear,but it’s very creative and interesting approach. Fire and sun are related. The sun does come up in art a lot. You’re like a smaller–

Situations. I read objections in the agencies. So love your way through it.

Love your way through the situations. Okay. Yeah, we’re doing our best. It’s hard, but I think we’re making some progress. What do you think we should do to make it easier to love our way through it?

A person isn’t used to seeing Nuevo Mundo. That’s why we’re saying, listen to your mother.

A person isn’t used to seeing a new world. That’s very true. So you’re saying, listen to your mother. You might be talking about our actual mothers, which would be a strange choice right now. Or you might be talking about someone like Madre Cuyendas or like a mother divinity. Can you explain more?

You are never empty inside.

True. Typically, that’s that’s a good thing, unless you’re talking about in the Buddhist sense

Thank you so much

You’re welcome. I’m not sure what I did,but I hope I helped you. Do you think I need to be empty inside? In that Buddhist sense, or I’m not sure how you meant it. [DG doesn’t think so]

It’s the shape and direction of culture.

What is? You say,it is the shape and direction of culture. What is “it”?

I’m sorry if too much and you are gone.

Um, I don’t think it’s too much.

The one exception is that conditions are iridescent. [Light!]

That sounds pretty. What do you mean?

No body with a name. [D: That was no body with a name. As in “No body, but has a name”]

Huh. I’m not sure how to interpret that note. Okay. Do you think there’s an action that would be good for us to take?

And we know everybody was and we flow.

Everybody was in flow. That sounds good. Is there an action that would be good for us to take on some level? I’m trying to think about what you’ve said and figure out if you’re suggesting something.

I have seen fire and one can be just for the family.

Fire can be just for the family. Well, that’s that’s that’s true. A fire can be in a fireplace or in a campfire or something like that.  I suppose it’s sort of like Hestia, keeper of the hearth.

You can be happy.

That’s true. I am happy a lot of times. Sometimes I’m not. I suppose that’s what it’s like to be a human.

The soaked land and you’re getting the maximum authenticity. [Referring to the coming rain storms next week? Rain=better connection?]

Hmm. Let’s say we wanted to talk to you without the spirit box. How should we do that?

It’s our time again.

It is your time again. Tell me when were you last here? You’ve been saying things like it’s your time again, which makes me think you used to be here. When was that? Was that before humans lived here? Was it before maybe Europeans came here to California?

Come on, if you’re ready and you can ingest this into space.

All right. Ingesting this into space sounds fascinating. Yeah, I I don’t know what you mean.

3-19-2025. It’s the summer is alive.

Okay, 3-19-2025.So 3 19 20 25, So. that’s in a couple of weeks. What happens on the 19th of March this year? 3-19-2025. What. happens then? I assume you mentioned that because there’s a date that’s gonna or something’s gonna happen on that date. What is it? It sounds very important. So if a date… if a thing is going to happen on that date,I would like to know what it is. Hmm. Or anything you can tell me about the date and why you said it. If it’s important.

D: All of a sudden, the only thing that’s coming through clear is that happy song by Farrell. I’m going to say we must be done.

K: It gave us a date. And I’m like, what will happen? And then we’re done.

D: Yeah,and and that date was like, okay,I have to admit, I kind of ignored it the first time it came up. Oh,but but the first time it was March 15th through 19th. And usually I’m like, that’s just an ad for a sale. But then when it said, you know, like, 3-19-20-25.And that was a composite. Yeah. I was like, all right, so I have to pay attention to this. But what does it mean?

K: All right, friends, we are done for today. Thank you very much for talking to us.

😧 We’re done for right now.

K: Yeah, done done for right now. I hope you enjoyed the [instrument] music. I hope you enjoyed the snack we put on the stump for you. And we will talk again soon. Thank you. Bye bye.

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