012525 The luck is in the love (apollo?)

Speaker 1

Hello. Hello. To all of our spirit friends, it is Saturday, January 25, 2025. D and I are here at [our name] Station in our living room, and we are seeking to speak to those who have love and kindness towards us in their hearts and who wish to speak with us. We have some snacks and drinks on the table there for you. Some incense and flowers. I hope you like the music that I just played.

And with that, I’ll say hello. Is there anyone who’d like to speak with us?

Is there anyone who’d like to speak with us?

Perhaps we need our operator to connect us. Any beings with love and kindness in their hearts are welcome to speak with us, including our spirit friends, house guardians, our forest friends, and others. For the record, I will note that the KP index is very low, and D said earlier that he isn’t hearing a whole lot. So we’ll still–

Speaker 2

They say in the stars, they’re called what?

Speaker 1

If you are talking about the song that we were talking about before we started, apparently, that was channeled by a race of [alien] beings called Hathors, like the Egyptian goddess Hathor.

Speaker 2

Our father, flash, son (sun?) good, Good.

Speaker 1

Your father is a Flash, and the sun is good. Not sure if you mean son like offspring or sun like a the sun in the sky. But I’m glad it’s good. I wonder why you said Flash.

Speaker 2

Who’s that kid?

Speaker 1

I don’t see a kid here. If you are talking about, our cat, Doodlebug, or maybe you’re just talking about me. I’m K, and that’s D.

Speaker 2

For the specifics.

Speaker 1

Okay. What about the specifics? What kind of specifics?

Speaker 2

Like, to bring causation.

Speaker 1

The specifics to bring causation. Well, I suppose that depends on what you’re trying to cause.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

You’re ready for something. You’re ready to ready for the causation. What are you ready for?

Speaker 2

Yeah. The weather.

Speaker 1

You’re ready for the weather? Well, I guess I’m not sure didn’t look at the forecast. What kind of weather are you talking about?

Speaker 2

Ask me that fancy limited collection.

Speaker 1

Gosh. Okay. Tell me about your fancy limited collection. I’m not sure what that refers to. Sorry. Maybe you can give me some more details.

Speaker 2

Lovers Point. Advanced Waters.

Speaker 1

Yes. The Lovers Point is such a beautiful place, isn’t it? We were pretty close to there today. Listening to an interesting UAP contact document or video, I’ll say.

Speaker 2

Threads manifest in time.

Speaker 1

Threads manifest in time. What are the threads part of? Do the threads lead somewhere?

Speaker 2

Frenchman spelling, I’ll stick with earth.

Speaker 1

Oh, I’ll have to look that up. I don’t actually know how French people spell earth.


Speaker 2

We gathered today. Yes. Good idea.

Speaker 1

Mhmm. Well, tell me why you think it’s a good idea that we gathered today. Is there something special going on? Maybe… I don’t know. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Speaker 2

Some of these, do you even know things like beautiful buildings with you?

Speaker 1

Do I know beautiful buildings with me? Do you mean the buildings that are some have said are in our yard, the buildings of light? I think maybe D saw those at one point. Maybe you mean building in a metaphorical sense?

Speaker 2

Go back in matters that talk to…. well, and… core [?].

Speaker 1

I didn’t quite understand that. Could you try explaining that again?

Speaker 2

Water, douse, cinders. Everything that matters.

Speaker 1

Right. Are you maybe referencing the fires in Los Angeles much farther south? Some awful, awful fires going through that city and that whole area. There is supposed to be rain coming.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

You must’ve been noticing the fires then. Is it–

Speaker 2

Triple blessed. Now now walking towards it.

Speaker 1

You’re walking towards the triple blessing. What is the blessing? Maybe the blessing is the rain, as you said, putting out the cinders.

Speaker 2

Girl, nothing is more beautiful.

Speaker 1

Mhmm. Yeah. Well, fire meeting the rain does produce kind of a beautiful, special kind of smoke, doesn’t it?

Speaker 2

Air or space. Hold on. What language is that?

Speaker 1

Well, the language we’re speaking right now is called English, if you meant that literally. You might be noticing that there are some other languages that come on over the radio frequencies. You might be hearing Spanish. It’s a really common language around here.

Speaker 2

If that’s poured in the disco [D: It could have been just go, but sounded like disco.]

Speaker 1

Okay. I didn’t understand what you meant by that. Can you try explaining that again?

Speaker 2

Heard that before.

Speaker 1

Yeah. It can be hard to communicate and understand through the spirit box, isn’t it? We do our best.

Speaker 2

Alright. It curves.

Speaker 1

What’s curving?

Speaker 2

Sometimes to want to see the … something in front of you.

Speaker 1

Yeah. I I wish I could see you sometimes or the things in front of me. Some people have that gift. It’s not manifested for me yet, though.

Speaker 2

Spirit reflects intent.

Speaker 1

Can you explain more about that?

Speaker 2

Opening calm thanks.

Speaker 1

Are you maybe encouraging us to continue to — we started with the love meditation.

Speaker 2

Pole energy back. Tell him

Speaker 1

I think they’ve said that was pole, like, p o l e. Pull energy back. Do you mean, like–

Speaker 2

It’s all about it helping ring this bell for the challenger.

Speaker 1

Who’s the challenger? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk about that on a spirit box session.

Speaker 2

It’s a good time for switching and exuding.

Speaker 1

Switching what? And exuding what? I think we are trying to exude love, but I’m not sure what you mean by switching.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Yeah? Okay. Switching to love? We can do that. I feel motivated to do that.

What does switching to love do?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

It brings the brings the highest into the picture. Okay.

Speaker 2

Speak what you mean, what you mean saying that, mind.

Speaker 1

Okay. I’m sorry. I I didn’t feel like there was any discrepancy there.

Speaker 2

I keep hearing it.

Speaker 1

Oh, what are you hearing?

Speaker 2

Other peeps conversing, the possibilities.

Speaker 1

Who are these other people?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

They’re humans. You’re hearing other humans talk about potential.

Speaker 2

Org chart. Yes. I am a parent. (apparent?)

Speaker 1

You’re a parent on the org chart. I don’t know if you mean a parent, like the mother or father of a child, or if you mean apparent as an obvious… org chart.

Speaker 2

And red (read?) in the sun.

Speaker 1

You’re red in the sun. Do you have a name? What should we call you?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Oh, okay. What’s your question?

Speaker 2

Who in the people comes to me?

Speaker 1


Speaker 2

You said it was for me.

Speaker 1

Well, so my name is K, and that’s D holding the box there who’s speaking what he hears.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Yeah. We we do appreciate you. You know, when we started this, we were just seeking to speak with anyone who had love and kindness in their hearts towards us and who wanted to talk with us. So that must be you, but who are you?

Speaker 2

The luck is in the love.

Speaker 1

Luck is in the love. Okay. That’s good advice. Good luck. Good love.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Yeah. Could you give us a name that we could call you by? Humans like to have names. It helps us keep things straight in our heads.

Speaker 2

It’s all there.

Speaker 1

Okay. I’m gonna take it that you don’t have a name. So what would you like to say to us? You you heard us, and–

Speaker 2

Brontosaurus. So you figure there’ll be homes.

Speaker 1

Did you say brontosaurus?

Speaker 2

I mean, big like that.

Speaker 1

Oh, you’re big like a brontosaurus among the homes here. Okay. So you you heard our call.

Speaker 2

One for your 40th voice.

Speaker 1

A brontosaurus for my 40th voice.

Speaker 2

I know. Yes. People, when it comes to thinking clearly

Speaker 1

Mhmm. Maybe you’re referencing how I just said it helps us to have names of the people we talk to.

Speaker 2

Yeah. Let’s see this. Okay. Day ship (shift?)

Speaker 1

Day shift. Well, you can pick a name, whatever you want. Anything that sounds good to you. You can make that your name.

Speaker 2

Not no longer a famous, Sun god. Buddy.

Speaker 1

Oh. You’re no longer famous sun god.  Well, a sun god I know of is Apollo. I would say he’s pretty famous, though.

Speaker 2

Cycles for the people in some past way.

Savior, lost brother, maybe speak to me. I’m Zadias?

Speaker 1

Zadias. That’s your name? Zadias? And you’re a lost brother.

Speaker 2

[D: Oh, that might have been “obvious”.]

Speaker 1

Oh, okay. I’m very curious about the lost brother and the sun god. Like I said, I when I think of the sun god, I think of Apollo from the Greek–

Speaker 2

To that end, A bond, to that barely prophet (profit?), and we [???]

Speaker 1

Try that again. I don’t think D could hear you best. I didn’t fully understand you. What is it you’d like us to know?

Speaker 2

Notably, I encounter the condition of the blocks through Wednesday.

Speaker 1

There are some blocks in your way through Wednesday. Does that mean on Thursday, there won’t be any more blocks? Or maybe just —

Speaker 2

Call for it.

Speaker 1

Call for what?

Speaker 2

You’re going towards it.

Speaker 1

Yeah. I’m trying to feel a lot of love in my heart right now. Maybe that’s what you meant?

Speaker 2

Who has a knack?

Speaker 1

Who has a knack for for what? That could mean a lot of different things.

Speaker 2

To keep making they the processing. There it is.

Speaker 1

Sorry. I didn’t understand that.

Speaker 2

And there in my systems, looking it up.

Speaker 1

You’re looking something up. Okay. What are you looking up? Or maybe–

Speaker 2

Speaking to that, I am secret and super.

Speaker 1

Well, okay. You’re secret and super. That sounds cool.

Speaker 2

I know.

Speaker 1

What is your …what is your secret?

Speaker 2

You get it, 10 watching you.

Speaker 1

Ten beings are watching me? Who are these 10 beings? Or the 10, who are they?

Speaker 2

You vision that  … All of the things Spirit playing. (plane?)

Speaker 1

A spirit is playing. Well, that sounds fun.

Speaker 2

Authenticity. Let it.

Speaker 1

We should be authentic? Okay. How do you think we should …maybe what should we do to be more authentic? Maybe you have advice. Sure.

Speaker 2

Classic in a 4.

Speaker 1

I guess I’m still wondering who’s watching us.

Speaker 2

Sleep works it.

Speaker 1

Sleep. What about sleep do you wanna talk about?

Speaker 2

You’re in the lights and the therapy and stuff, David?

Speaker 1

Yep. That’s David.

Do you wanna say something to him? He’s sitting next to me.

Speaker 2

Joining us, Hypnos comes in fast, attaching.

Speaker 1

Oh, welcome, Hypnos.

Speaker 2

2 moves at once. Space. Hello.

Speaker 1

Hello. Gosh. Hypnos. It’s like–

Speaker 2

Time and your goals. Yeah. We got them.

Speaker 1

Do you? Well, you know, we are working towards a life of true abundant optionality and financial liberation as we call it.

Speaker 2

You think really? All the way

Speaker 1

Well, I mean, that’s just one goal. We’re also trying to, I guess, get in touch with these, divine beings that we’ve been experiencing. That’s another goal.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1


Speaker 2

[D: I’ll make a note of that for later….it means “new and fresh” and is the parent company of Cellcore]

Speaker 1

It’s interesting. Why did you say that? Can you tell me more about why you said Kainos?

Speaker 2

Thank you.

Speaker 1

Well, I’m not sure what you’re thanking me for, but you’re welcome. If I helped you, I’m glad of that. So I think you said Hypnos?

Speaker 2

Push it together. Darn it. It was close.

Speaker 1

Okay. It sounds like you were trying to do something, and it almost worked, but not quite. What is it you were trying to do?

Speaker 2

Here’s the key.

Speaker 1

I’m listening.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

The key is to celebrate. Alright. Just in general, or is there something special we should be celebrating?

Speaker 2

For harmony in your head.

Speaker 1

Celebrate for harmony in your head. That sounds like great advice. Is there something in particular we should celebrate, or do you just mean, cultivate an atmosphere of of happiness and gratitude, perhaps?

Speaker 2

Come on, television. [D: I don’t know if that was right.]

Speaker 1

Celebrate with TV. I don’t know about that.

Speaker 2

We’re joking. We’re able and what?

Speaker 1

You’re joking. Okay. So the key is celebrating to achieve harmony in our heads.

Speaker 2

It’s worth it. Forecast on the 9.

Speaker 1

What do you mean by that? Forecast on the 9.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1


Speaker 2

Sprinkles it. You’re welcome.

Speaker 1

Okay. You’re sprinkling something. Well…

Speaker 2

the prompt. Yes. Spinning it.

Speaker 1

You’re spinning a prompt. Okay.

Speaker 2

Getting it exact.

Speaker 1


Speaker 2

F in there. Are you a good sport?

Speaker 1

Well, I try to be. Why do you ask?

Speaker 2

I am too, And the goals… are pointing… [D: Lost it.]

Speaker 1

Can you try that again? The goals are pointing, you said?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

[Doodles, that’s not for you.]

Speaker 2

[D: If you ask something, ask again.]

Speaker 1

It seemed like you were talking about goals pointing to something, but I didn’t understand what you meant.

Speaker 2

Your home is proof.

Speaker 1

My home is proof of well, we did have a goal to get this home. Maybe that’s what you mean.

Speaker 2

I swear to God.

Speaker 1

Yeah. It it was a pretty big goal for us, and we did achieve it. Why do you mention it?

Speaker 2

Starts with a cup. Estes.

Speaker 1

Mhmm. That’s the method we’re using right now to talk with you. The Estes method on the spirit box.

Speaker 2

Definitely wants me to look more so much fun.

Speaker 1

You think it’s fun to use this Estes method? Yeah. It’s it’s getting popular. It’s an interesting way to talk.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Ten what? Why did you say 10?

Speaker 2

It’s walking the distance.

Speaker 1

What, what would you like us to know? What do you feel is important for us to know right now?

Speaker 2

The ultimate child.

Speaker 1

Well, we don’t have any children. So…

Speaker 2

Yes. And me too.

Speaker 1

You also don’t have children. Okay.

Speaker 2

You’re you’re go.

Speaker 1

My what do you mean by that? My go?

Speaker 2

Never forbidden.

Speaker 1

[Doodles no. So come here. Come here. Good boy.]

Speaker 2

All you.

Speaker 1

Yeah? What do you wanna say? All you. Is there something you would like

to ask us?

Speaker 2

Yes. It’s snuggle up.

Speaker 1

Okay. We are snuggling.

Why did you want us to do that? I mean, I’m happy to do it.

Speaker 2

Weather goes where phoenix traipses?

Speaker 1

Phoenix. Do you mean my blue phoenix spirit friend?

Speaker 2

Welcome. That was smart. Sing. Sing.

Speaker 1

Sing? Jeez. I’m trying to think of a song to sing that you might like. Let’s see. (hums) How about this one.

Speaker 2

Perfect. Love, meaning.

(Sings the Seikilos Epitaph)

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Maybe your sun god remembers that one.

Speaker 2

Touch, mental, wings, all of them stable.

Speaker 1

Do you mean the wings of our dragon?

Speaker 2

A bigger heart in this.

Speaker 1

Yeah? Who who has the bigger heart that you’re referring to?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

You have the bigger heart. Alright.

Speaker 2

The need to change, that’s a big thing. Know of it.

Speaker 1

Something needs to change. Do you think we need to change or maybe humans in general, or you want to change? What is it that–

Speaker 2

Let’s be honest. Okay. In your case, being it.

Speaker 1

Being what?

Speaker 2

Okay. The day is in the heart. The night is mentally …. showing.

Speaker 1

That sounds very profound. It’s hard to interpret. The day is in the heart, and the night is mentally showing. Can you explain that a little bit more? That sounds important.

Speaker 2

It has been, it’s about mystery. I’m sorry. Not mystery. Yeah. It’s about mystery.

And where is it?

Speaker 1

The night is about mystery, and you’re asking where it is. We’ve been talking a lot about the heart, but you said the daytime is in the heart. Mystery maybe is in the mind. The mystery is outside of us.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Speaker 1

In the soul? In the the energy body.

Speaker 2

Both places. I feel like alert them, luminescent looking symbols.

Speaker 1

Luminescent looking symbols. Oh, do you mean the sigils that we draw sometimes in, like, a gold and silver marker?

Speaker 2

Scattered ring (rain?) here is what our thought is.

Speaker 1

Tell me more about the luminous symbols. What would you like us to know about them?

Speaker 2

A storm is a little warrior. David, your words help others. Actions seen. Hello.

Speaker 1

So say more about D’s words helping others. He says a lot of words, so help us narrow it down.

Speaker 2

We all do. We show metaphors.

Speaker 1

We show metaphors. Okay. So…

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

I guess you’ve said so much, and it seems really profound and important. If you could pick a theme from everything that you’ve said, something maybe that we can remember and kind of, pay attention to for the rest of the week. What do you think that theme is? We might have to wrap it up pretty soon. I think D’s slowing down. So are there any last words that you wanna share with us? We’ve really enjoyed talking with you. We hope to talk with you again.

Speaker 2

Man emanates a thought. Born apart. Good news. The agent has freedom. Protector. Manifestation, I would classify. Be it looking like a little starter.

Speaker 1

Is there anything you’d like us to do? Or maybe over the next week?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Ancient what?

Speaker 2

Tin can take you there. (Ten?)

Speaker 1

An ancient tin can take us somewhere. Tin Can, maybe.

Speaker 2

Around the house. They know me.

Speaker 1

Yeah? Maybe our house guardians know you?

Speaker 2

Great. Literally.

Speaker 1

So let me ask this one more time. Is there anything you would like us to do over the next week? Something you think it’d be good for us to do? …..Okay. Any last words before we wrap this up?

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Oh, okay. Well, what are your last words that you wanna say?

Speaker 2

[D: I think we’re done.]

Speaker 1

Yeah. Thank you for talking with us. It’s a really interesting conversation. We will talk again soon. So, thank you. Bye bye.

Note from D: this was a masculine voice

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