122824 Worldwide Arcadia
00:00 – 00:06
D said, before we even started, “just doing my job, three levels of mental for people who are….”
So I’m gonna finish doing the tones. [Does tones]
Hello hello to our forest friends here in Del Monte forest.
It is Saturday, December 28, 2024. Almost the new year.
We’re so happy to be back and to see you here.
There’s some snacks over there, local goodies, including some local honey. It’s very tasty. I played some music.
I hope you like that.
And, hopefully, you remember how this works.
You can speak into that box D is holding ….Okay, something is apparently happening.
01:28 – 01:34
And at the top, you’ll find an artist with a guitar or similar instrument.
01:37 – 01:40
Yes. Okay. So this is a [country] [instrument].
It’s not a instrument that we have around here.
It’s a very old instrument from the country of [country] very, very far away.
Perhaps you’ve encountered some [country] immigrants in your day.
But who would not have had this instrument because it is very old.
Anyway, seems like you might remember how this works.
02:04 – 02:09
Everything you feel, you are outstanding.
02:11 – 02:13
Oh, well, that’s thank you.
That’s very nice of you.
Tell me, how have things been for you?
02:25 – 02:26
Yeah. I know you.
02:27 – 02:28
I’m glad. Yeah.
02:28 – 02:31
Activity, it turns out, I’ve got
this much is planned.
02:38 – 02:41
You’ve got some planned activities. Okay.
Tell me what you have planned.
Sounds like we’ve spoken–
02:47 – 02:49
She’s never even heard the complete song.
02:50 – 02:51
02:54 – 02:54
[D: Jesus. Lots coming through]
03:01 – 03:04
There’s a lot of songs you could be talking about.
Is there a song in particular that you want to hear?
03:14 – 03:17
Step by step towards
different outlets.
03:28 – 03:36
Tell me about the different outlets you’re moving towards and what you hope will happen once you get there.
03:44 – 03:45
Don’t focus
yet as if you’re the only one
04:07 – 04:16
So that kind of implies that there are other people involved in something, not just us.
Maybe in talking to you, maybe other people come here and talk to you this way.
Can you tell me more about the others that you’re talking about?
04:35 – 04:36
Connection is active.
04:38 – 04:42
Maybe we were talking to operators. Well, hello.
Who who are we speaking with right now?
Seemed like maybe some operators helped to stabilize the connection, and now we can talk.
But I’d love to know who we’re talking to.
If you know us, you remember, I’m K, and this is D.
05:13 – 05:14
1 after another.
05:23 – 05:27
I think there’s some very excited children mushroom hunting in the background.
05:37 – 05:40
Today, we’re going to drop off.
Knives can be sharpened.
05:49 – 05:57
Oh, okay. You’re gonna sharpen some knives, I assume, in a metaphorical sense.
Why do you need knives?
06:01 – 06:02
But before we…
it’ll encourage 222.
06:12 – 06:17
You encourage 222. What is the significance of 222?
06:26 – 06:29
Looking at 2 weeks out of the year.
06:38 – 06:44
Which weeks? What’s important about 2 weeks out of the year?
06:49 – 06:50
rather than the year many multi
07:14 – 07:16
Yeah. Keep talking about that, please.
I don’t quite follow you right now.
07:18 – 07:20
Sorry. hahaha
07:20 – 07:25
It’s okay. It’s hard to communicate through the spirit box. I understand that.
07:26 – 07:27
We we all do our best.
07:31 – 07:33
Live from Rome-ing?
07:33 – 07:38
Live from Rome. Oh, that’s very interesting.
Well, who is speaking to us from Rome?
07:57 – 07:59
Today, the magic comes back.
08:00 – 08:01
Oh, that’s exciting.
So the magic is coming back.
What what should what’s a good thing to do with magic that’s returning?
08:17 – 08:23
Images, I’m hoping, are long play.
Worldwide Arcadia.
08:36 – 08:48
Wow. Okay. So when I think of Arcadia, I think of the region in [country] where Pan was born, where Hermes was born.
What makes you wanna bring up the topic of Arcadia?
08:58 – 09:02
Consulting for the past couple of…
is something following me into the hospital?
09:14 – 09:18
You’re going into the hospital. Are you okay?
If a human were to go into the hospital, it would probably be because they were sick or I don’t know, maybe they work at the hospital.
So it’s always a bit of a cause for alarm for humans when somebody is said to go into the hospital.
09:55 – 10:00
Heart, metal, like,
I promise again.
10:18 – 10:24
Heart metal. Okay. You went into the hospital for your heart?
Because you needed some metal or something?
10:29 – 10:33
It’s been a while going back in my hand from my father’s.
10:40 – 10:45
Again, can you tell me a bit about who we’re talking to?
I’d love to know who you are.
10:48 – 10:50
The most recent tide.
10:53 – 10:56
Yeah? What about it?
I’m just curious what you mean.
Still wondering why you mentioned Arcadia,
What you had in mind?
11:25 – 11:27
In the next week or so.
11:27 – 11:30
Okay. What’s going on in the next week or so?
11:31 – 11:33
Tell us about the mythological
11:38 – 11:41
Oh, mythological what? There’s so many options there.
11:44 – 11:45
Here I am, baby.
11:47 – 11:49
Okay. Well, who are you?
Are you related to something in mythology?
We’ve been studying a lot of [country] and Roman mythology.
12:00 – 12:08
It’s clear. Yeah. Like a Mona Lisa at an upcoming event.
12:10 – 12:12
okay. Mona Lisa is famous piece
of art.
12:18 – 12:20
Other contributions down there I saw.
12:25 – 12:27
Maybe you went to the Getty Villa with us.
We went down there a few weeks ago.
Lots of beautiful mythological artwork in [country] and Rome and Italy, Egypt, all sorts of cool things.
But, I was a little distracted by the people nearby,
so I might have missed something important that you said.
If there’s any message that you were trying to convey a few minutes ago, could you try that again?
13:04 – 13:05
Applied care.
you’re gonna do it,
I am.
13:16 – 13:19
You’re gonna do it? What are you gonna do?
13:25 – 13:27
Here is David.
13:28 – 13:32
That’s right. You are. David is holding the box there, and he’s the one speaking.
Do you have something you wanna say to him?
13:45 – 13:47
He literally said to me
it’s a sincere attempt.
14:03 – 14:06
A sincere attempt at sincere attempt at what?
I can always appreciate a sincere attempt at something. Just not sure what–
14:13 – 14:15
Thank you for making the effort.
14:16 – 14:18
Oh, of course. Of course.
I’m not sure what what effort we made, but, yeah, we did try our best to, come here and have
a kind and thoughtful and respectful conversation with you,
Bring some snacks for your critters.
14:39 – 14:43
I’m saving the cast iron for a sugar return.
14:47 – 14:48
That’s interesting.
Let’s see. You cook in cast iron,
and a sugar return might mean that you weren’t eating sugar.
15:16 – 15:21
D: What I heard was “your love,” but I know the lyric is “your love is lifting me higher.”
15:22 – 15:27
Okay. Well, I’m glad to know that.
Do you have any questions for us?
Anything you would like to know that maybe we could answer?
15:49 – 15:50
Contributing to
16:08 – 16:13
By contribute, maybe you mean something is making it easier for you to touch?
Like, physically, maybe you weren’t able to touch things physically before?
If that’s right, then what’s helping you do that?
16:37 – 16:39
A long way, Shea
16:53 – 16:57
Let’s try again. Do you have any questions for us?
16:57 – 16:59
It’s a certain heart.
17:00 – 17:01
You’ve brought up hearts–
17:02 – 17:03
Won’t fade away.
17:03 – 17:08
A heart that won’t fade away. Well, that sounds very poetic.
You’re talking about perhaps love that’s very strong, that doesn’t fade over time.
If you have that in your life, you’re very fortunate. Good for you.
What would you like us to know?
17:46 – 17:50
I heard just in time
music style and efficiency.
18:06 – 18:10
Okay. Tell me more about the music style and efficiency.
18:11 – 18:14
Construction of Miracles.
18:17 – 18:20
Oh, the music can construct miracles.
Or maybe you mean you’re constructing a miracle or something that might seem miraculous to us humans.
Can you explain a bit more about what you mean?
18:38 – 18:48
It’s funny because on the surface, we’re basically apologizing and for everything.
18:52 – 18:55
Oh, well, what do you have to–
18:55 – 18:56
Thank you.
18:57 – 18:59
What what do you have to apologize for?
19:24 – 19:28
Especially health and a healthy biome.
19:33 – 19:41
Well, I would very much like to have more health and a healthy biome of the body?
I know D would too.
How do you think we should… how do you think we could get that?
19:46 – 19:50
Is that what resembles how you make me feel?
19:54 – 19:57
I don’t know.
Tell me tell me about how we can improve our health.
20:11 – 20:13
Come up with your own conclusions.
20:17 – 20:22
Okay. By that, I assume you do you actually don’t have a lot of information to do.
20:22 – 20:23
Set a goal For yourself.
Please visit. More details.
20:30 – 20:34
Okay. So to become more healthy, we should set a goal for ourselves.
That’s always a good first step.
Okay. Is there anything else you wanna say about health?
20:58 – 21:08
All you gotta do is, the floor and monthly category is if you know what I mean.
21:10 – 21:19
I don’t really. When you say “do the floor” in terms of health, you could be talking about floor exercises.
You could be talking about pelvic floor.
In terms of health
Everything I do is like hours on your life and family. Oh.
It’s just about making life easier for next month.
21:51 – 21:56
Oh, okay. Well, thank you.
If you’re trying to make our lives easier, next month might be a little challenging for sure.
We have some political crap that’s going on that we’re not thrilled about.
So any efforts to make our lives easier, I’m very, very thankful for that.
You think we should do anything that would make our lives easier?
22:28 – 22:28
An emerald, some apply.
22:42 – 22:49
Let’s see. Well, the Emerald is a podcast that we haven’t listened to in a while that we used to like.
Could check that out again.
Emerald is also a beautiful gemstone.
Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz.
23:04 – 23:07
It’s the same thing in different words and ways.
23:08 – 23:13
Oh, okay. Sounds like maybe I’ll have to go back and read the transcript.
23:13 – 23:15
This starts the freedom of March.
23:16 – 23:18
What’s the freedom of March?
23:21 – 23:23
This radio is connected.
23:25 – 23:25
The freedom of March. Do you mean the month of March, maybe?
23:35 – 23:36
David, for you,
Active and scanning.
23:42 – 23:47
Oh, okay. You’re scanning for David.
What are you finding, or what do you wanna tell him?
24:04 – 24:11
It’s complete automatically discovers the planets.
24:19 – 24:22
So you were scanning, and then you–
24:22 – 24:24
Like the wake effect back in your family.
24:27 – 24:28
The wake effect?
Wow. This is very interesting.
I’m not sure what to make of it.
It seemed like that was all geared towards D.
So maybe when we look at the transcript together, it’ll make more sense.
24:50 – 24:56
Yeah. Yeah. You, you know, you scan through the ashes, and you go way back.
25:00 – 25:01
Way back. Are you talking about–
25:01 – 25:03
but with the same signature.
25:05 – 25:08
Okay. Are you talking about something ancestral for D?
Maybe when you say family, you mean ancestors of his.
Maybe there’s a a signature of an ancestor in the past that matches who he is today.
Is that what you’re saying?
25:39 – 25:40
I personally,
And honey.
25:54 – 25:59
Cloud and honey. Well, we did put some honey out.
26:10 – 26:12
In this world.
26:17 – 26:21
When you said you were scanning, what were you looking for?
26:26 – 26:30
Conquer with me. Yeah.
26:33 – 26:34
Who or what are you conquering?
To conquer means to be victorious.
26:55 – 26:56
26:57 – 27:00
To conquer ourselves. What,
do you mean, like, conquer negative aspects of ourselves?
What do you mean by conquer ourselves?
Maybe you mean, like, self mastery in certain aspects?
27:39 – 27:40
Wise talk.
27:49 – 27:56
Wise talk to mean, like, philosophy or maybe talking with a wise elder person?
Or maybe you were just confirming that when I said self mastery, that’s what you meant as well. Maybe meant like–
Oh, Mercury. Mercury like Hermes.
Is that what you mean?
Well, if so, is that are you referring to Hermes, or do you mean that Hermes is here? If so, hello, Hermes.
It’s always good to be with you.
What made you say Quicksilver?
29:03 – 29:08
Iheart. And how does it feel like to be playing live?
29:12 – 29:17
To me, what was it like to play my [instrument] here in this forest? It felt great.
I like playing out here.
29:19 – 29:22
And she plays so fine. Thanks for having us.
29:23 – 29:27
Well, you’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I wish i had a slightly more comfortable and warm spot but, it’s always good to play it here.
If it is Hermes I’m talking to, then I’m playing the, reconstruction of your creation.
29:44 – 29:46
Some restrictions apply.
29:47 – 29:54
Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Such is the case with most of physical life.
What would you like us to know?
Or what do you think it’s important for us to know?
30:11 – 30:14
Yeah. And the New Leaf
30:21 – 30:23
What about new leaf?
30:26 – 30:27
it gets down, girl.
30:29 – 30:34
You might be talking about the new growth that’s coming out after the rains.
New Leaf is also a grocery store in our area.
30:40 – 30:48
Will vaporize daytime coughing and sleeplessness if that’s fine with you.
30:49 – 30:53
When you say vaporize, I assume you mean get rid of it.
And if so, heck yes.
We’re totally fine with it
Please get rid of coughing and sleeplessness. Would love that. Thank you.
31:02 – 31:07
A real classic. Especially in the rest of the meal.
31:11 – 31:17
Is there anything we should do to make that happen, to get rid of the sleeplessness and the coughing?
Did you say coughing, like, you know, coughing with a cold, or did you say coffee, like the drink?
Maybe D will remember. (it was coughing)
31:44 – 31:48
It’s early, and the little things is yes.
Always remember you’re in the right right now.
32:06 – 32:10
It does seem like we’re in kind of the the right path to something.
Are you supposed that path is leading us when we’re talking to you.
32:16 – 32:23
And always open line talk
much like desserts.
32:34 – 32:45
Always open… Maybe you mean the line that we communicate with you on like a dessert? That’s hard to understand.
Can you explain that more?
32:54 – 32:55
It just is so
32:58 – 33:03
Because, for humans, dessert is something that happens at the end of a meal.
You could also be just talking about sweets in general, which is something it’s good for
us to limit, but we love them.
We put some sweets over there for you.
33:19 – 33:21
Hope you’re not freezing your rear end off.
33:22 – 33:28
It’s a little chilly, but it’s not too bad. We’ll be okay.
Do you feel cold and discomfort from the cold, or maybe your bodies don’t have those sensations?
33:44 – 33:46
Emphasis for a birthday.
33:47 – 33:49
Emphasis for a birthday.
Let’s see. Well, our friend Chris is having a birthday in a couple days.
34:01 – 34:04
sounds super awesome.
34:05 – 34:10
My friend Sage, I believe, is having a birthday in a few weeks.
My birthday was 2 weeks.
34:13 – 34:15
You don’t go around in the hole in the ground.
34:19 – 34:24
No. I I can’t think of a hole in the ground that we used to go to.
Why did you bring that up, the hole in the ground?
I did dream about it
I dug it, and then I had to get myself back out of it. It sounds quite symbolic.
34:56 – 35:00
To change, strong, yeah, historic.
35:05 – 35:10
What’s the change? A strong change.
Or maybe you’re strong enough to make the change, and it’s an important one.
Maybe hasn’t been done before.
What is the change?
35:34 – 35:42
It you, you certainly did way back and got confused with others.
35:48 – 35:54
Are you talking about us talking to other beings on the spirit box?
35:56 – 36:00
When we first started, I I do think we talked to maybe other types of beings.
36:01 – 36:04
I got a feeling. Everything you
coming back here again.
36:15 – 36:17
Yeah. We’ll come back here again.
We we love this forest, and this is a very nice little spot.
Do you ever come visit us at our house?
36:32 – 36:47
In 7 minutes, the gospel of the radio is right done now.
36:52 – 36:55
I I can interpret that in a couple of ways.
Guess we’ll see what happens in 7 minutes.
You might have also been saying that right now, you’re done talking with us.
It’s hard to tell with these spirit boxes.
Is there something we can do to make
it easier to communicate with you?
Just too rich?
It’s like a capital single seat.
It can be healing.
37:33 – 37:37
What can be healing? Can you explain more about what’s healing?
37:46 – 37:48
One thank you.
37:51 – 37:53
Gratitude. Gratitude can be healing?
Yeah. I would agree with that.
37:58 – 38:00
I could…Crete
38:02 – 38:05
Crete? Oh, wow. I’d love to go to Crete.
It’s a lot of money for us right now, though.
How do you think we can make it to Crete?
38:18 – 38:22
What’s needed is comparable.
A drink. Listen. I’ll be good.
Everything steps forward to fix this.
38:36 – 38:41
Okay. Well, I can give pour a little bit of my coffee on the ground.
It sounds like you’re saying.. yeah, the coffee is for you since you asked.
It sounds like you’re saying that a lot of people on your end
are trying
I maybe fly
like a after launch.
39:08 – 39:12
Maybe maybe you’ll fly after you get launched. I hope so.
So it sounds like a lot of people in your end are trying to fix something.
What are they trying to fix?
39:49 – 39:54
Some of the dressings. You’re my hero.
39:58 – 40:02
I’m your hero. Well, that’s kind of you.
I still don’t understand what you all are trying to fix or take care of or or why. Could you explain more?
40:14 – 40:16
You deserve affection.
40:18 – 40:21
I appreciate affection. Thank you.
40:22 – 40:30
Yes. Energetically with the fruits of your labor and the passion of community.
40:32 – 40:39
Wow. Okay. How do we find the passion of community?
We haven’t had much luck finding community around us.
Where do you think we should look for community?
41:10 – 41:12
Maybe you didn’t want it to.
41:12 – 41:14
Maybe I didn’t want community?
41:17 – 41:23
As, like, nature made me and the sky opens up.
41:28 – 41:31
Nature made you and the sky opens up.
Tell tell me more about that.
41:40 – 41:42
25 or 50 or a 100.
41:44 – 41:44
I’m still very curious about community
and where we might find that.
And I’m wondering who nature made and what it meant that the sky–
42:04 – 42:06
That’s all the people.
42:14 – 42:20
Something about nature made me and the sky opened up is where we’ll find community
The people. Okay.
We’ll probably have to wrap it up pretty soon.
So is there are there any last messages you wanna give us or questions you wanna ask?
43:09 – 43:10
We’ll check the records. (previously mentioned?)
43:13 – 43:18
Okay. Which records? What are you looking for?
Maybe we can help you check if you tell us what you’re looking for.
43:36 – 43:43
Because I mentioned that in the stronghold of foliage.
43:45 – 43:50
Mhmm. This is a stronghold of foliage, isn’t it?
But you mentioned so many things.
I’m not sure which one you’re referring to.
Okay. Let’s try this. Is there anything we can do to help you?
If so, please say what we can do to help you.
44:34 – 44:40
D: I just heard time after time and then also the Looney Tunes theme.
I don’t know if that’s wrong.
44:47 – 44:55
Let’s try that again. I might also take that as a sign that we’re wrapping up, but we’ll we’ll ask one more time.
Is there anything we can do to help you?
45:07 – 45:12
The only thing you can rely on every day is a
child meant to,
stay or go?
45:36 – 45:39
Yeah. I don’t understand that. Sorry.
45:57 – 45:58
Please look in the mirror.
46:04 – 46:07
I don’t have a mirror right now.
I can …you might have meant that metaphorically.
46:15 – 46:18
Overnight first, so hurry in.
46:26 – 46:28
I’m looking at my camera.
Not seeing anything but me.
46:39 – 46:40
Try this.
It’s like the [country] language.
46:54 – 46:56
I am trying to learn the [country] language.
There is a phrase we use of “it’s all [country] to me” which means things are very confusing and we don’t understand it.
So you might be saying you don’t understand us very well.
We’re all doing our best, of course.
Okay. We’re at 40–
47:23 – 47:24
We are here.
47:26 – 47:31
Oh, well, hello. Who’s here? Is this someone new?
Tell me who it is, please.
I was about to wrap it up.
47:50 – 47:53
Do you find it best?
Be a part of our synchronization
This beautiful faction of
reference to star voyages.
48:15 – 48:27
Wow. That’s fascinating. Do I think it’s best to be part of the synchronization to star voyages? That’s a great question.
I don’t know enough to be able to answer that.
So can you tell me more about it?
It sounds fascinating, but I I don’t know anything about it yet. So please explain more.
49:16 – 49:20
It’s a red tag.
And for us all proper,
Get a $1,000, K.
49:33 – 49:34
I’d love $1,000.
49:35 – 49:38
Which is really nice. It’s it’s Fine.
49:38 – 49:40
It’d definitely be nice to have a $1,000.
How should I get the $1,000?
Are you saying there’s something I should do that will get me an extra $1,000?
Are you saying I should withdraw $1,000 from the bank? What do you mean?
49:54 – 49:55
What honors
us up to 2,000
is singing with us.
50:07 – 50:11
Oh, okay. It honors you to sing with you.
I’d love to sing with you.
How do I hear you, though?
It’s hard to sing along if you can’t hear the song.
So how do I hear your song?
50:28 – 50:29
Mea culpa
50:31 – 50:32
That’s okay.
50:37 – 50:39
We’ll be done soon.
50:41 – 50:44
Can you explain how to hear your song?
Remember, I’m a human being with ears that detect sound waves,
I’m not so great at psychically picking up things
51:02 – 51:04
so simple yet powerful way
51:05 – 51:06
Sound waves?
51:06 – 51:08
Without the work even.
51:11 – 51:13
Okay. Right. Tell me how I hear you.
How do I hear your song?
51:15 – 51:20
Which is, like, 9,000 more than today
at night when you’re dreaming.
51:27 – 51:31
I hear you I’m supposed to hear your song at night while I’m dreaming.
51:32 – 51:34
Come on, honey. Let’s let mommy rest.
51:40 – 51:43
D: Okay. I think I’m mommy.
51:44 – 51:54
Alright. Thank you to our forest friends and whoever we were speaking to. It was really fascinating. We appreciate you participating.
We hope you enjoy the snacks and the music, and, we will see you again next time.
52:04 – 52:05
Anything you wanna say for the recording?
52:09 – 52:15
D: That’s that was there was a lot of noise there.
There’s a giant banana slug next to the tree.\
A pretty big banana slug.
52:30 – 52:32
Oh, hey, banana slug. Hey, banana slug.
Anything else you wanna say before I set?
No. Okay.