122224 Delayed, broken, handset
00:03 – 00:07
Alright. Hello hello to any of our spirit friends who are listening.
It is Saturday, December 21, 2024, just after the winter solstice.
We’re here in our living room in [Name] Station.
And we would like to speak to our house guardians as well as any of our spirit friends, who want to communicate with us.
If you hear a sound right now in the recording, that’s me trying to light some incense There we go.
So with that, is there anyone who would like to talk with us?
Got some snacks and drinks on the tray there for you.
We hope you enjoy them.
01:03 – 01:04
01:06 – 01:10
You want me to play music? Wow. Okay.
Just so you know, it’s a little tough for me to play and talk to you at the same time.
But I’ll do my best.
01:32 – 01:33
01:41 – 01:42
What’s good? The music?
what is
it there?
01:52 – 01:54
You mean what am I playing?
This is called a [instrument].
It’s a very ancient instrument.
it was played in [country] times a few 1000 years ago. Probably anywhere from,
well, many, many 1000s of years ago is when it was played.
02:41 – 02:45
House. Domestic. Over.
The busy next.
02:58 – 03:03
Are you saying that our house guardians are busy right now and can’t talk to us?
03:20 – 03:22
D: Side note from me, D.
There’s a lot of noise, so so it’s harder to pick things out.
Let me check something real quick.
Oh, I think I just heard “can hear you, David.” And
also “let’s do it.” So Okay.
I guess I shouldn’t be messing with the settings.
03:55 – 03:59
So then who are we talking to?
04:03 – 04:04
04:09 – 04:11
Who are we talking with?
Are we talking with our house guardians?
04:52 – 04:53
05:02 – 05:03
Can you help me out here?
Because it kinda sounded like you’re saying the house guardians are busy and can’t talk to us,
which makes me wonder who we’re talking to then.
05:15 – 05:18
That’s the spot. Thank you.
05:22 – 05:23
Can you tell me anything about yourself to help me gauge who I’m speaking to?
05:33 – 05:33
05:41 – 05:43
Okay. Well,
then tell me–
05:49 – 05:56
circumstance for nobody really knows the
06:04 – 06:05
The limit of what?
06:27 – 06:28
You’re great.
06:29 – 06:30
Thank you.
Tell me what’s going on for you.
06:40 – 06:41
No. That’s left.
06:43 – 06:45
No. That somebody’s left? Sorry.
I I didn’t hear what you said there.
Can you try it again?
07:15 – 07:16
D: Now hold on a second.
07:17 – 07:19
Okay. Hang on one moment. D is readjusting.
Something’s going on with the spirit box.
I’ll pause it for a minute.
07:41 – 07:44
Delayed, broken, handset. [I now interpret this to mean that OUR equipment was broken, not theirs. Because it was]
07:47 – 07:47
that’s very interesting. Are you saying there’s some kind of
malfunction of instrumentation on your side?
That’s odd because I didn’t realize our spirit friends needed equipment.
Maybe you mean that metaphorically.
08:20 – 08:25
D: Okay. I’m gonna reset the whole thing.
It’s it’s just weird how very little,
voices I’m getting.
08:45 – 08:45
08:48 – 08:50
You’re happy? Mhmm. Well, that’s good.
What are you happy about?
Tell me what’s making you happy.
08:54 – 08:56
We were listening here.
08:58 – 09:01
You were listening. Okay. So you could hear us, but,
it seems like you can talk with us now.
So I’m glad for that.
Second (2nd? Seconded?). You need a second? Okay.
09:25 – 09:26
09:32 – 09:35
Okay. It seems like you’re talking about equipment.
09:36 – 09:37
It’s a blend.
09:39 – 09:41
A blend of?
What’s a blend?
You have a blend of equipment?
Some of it was failing, it sounds like.
I’d love to know about your equipment. Tell me about it.
Like, what it does, how you use it.
10:16 – 10:19
Through the morning
and back again.
10:34 – 10:38
I don’t really know what you mean by that. This morning–
10:41 – 10:43
It’s a little
Okay. I I believe that.
But so it sounds like you need some kind of equipment to talk with us. Is that right?
11:11 – 11:12
Say words.
11:14 – 11:19
Hello. I’m curious. Are we maybe talking to an operator?
Do you know what I mean by that?
11:25 – 11:26
What is that?
11:30 – 11:32
I think that was D talking. (It was. There was a consistent weird noise on the box)
11:36 – 11:37
Anxious too (to?).
11:47 – 11:52
Are you saying you have anxiety about something or that you’re excited to do something?
11:53 – 11:55
Image, like you take friends around.
12:05 – 12:07
Image that you take, do you mean like a photograph?
Like taking a picture of your friends?
Maybe you mean that you have to somehow get the image of us.
12:26 – 12:28
D: No. This isn’t gonna work.
There’s there’s not enough words, and there’s this background,
like, vibrating humming noise, like, “rrrrrrr”
which is consistent. And I don’t know where that’s coming from because there shouldn’t be anything consistent.
You know what I mean?
12:57 – 13:03
Mhmm. That would suggest an issue with the machine.
Could it be that OUR equipment is broken?
13:08 – 13:12
Maybe so. Like, didn’t “machine” come up?
13:13 – 13:15
They said broken handset.
13:15 – 13:16
Broken handset. Yeah.
13:16 – 13:18
You could try the other spirit box.
13:18 – 13:20
D: It’s out in the car. Yeah.
Maybe we should do that. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Let me check something.
13:31 – 13:37
Okay. D is, trying another setting. Sorry for the disruption.
14:00 – 14:07
D: Okay. The, consistent was coming from the fact that one of these wasn’t actually sweeping.
And so when I started it sweeping again, it got better.
But it’s still it’s still, like, it’s not picking up enough or something.
And it
looks like a real–
14:23 – 14:24
It is raining
14:24 – 14:29
D: The clouds usually help a little bit. Uh-oh.
14:29 – 14:32
Well, do you wanna try the other one?
14:32 – 14:34
D: Yeah. Yeah. I guess I gotta
go out to the car. Okay.
14:36 – 14:37
I’m sorry.
Spirit friends, please wait. We’re gonna try the other spirit box.
Seeing we were we might be having problems with this one. We’re not sure.
So I’m gonna pause this, and then, I’ll play the tones again when we’re ready. Okay?
[Break, then playing of the tones]
15:27 – 15:33
D: I wasn’t ready yet, but I really did hear “gathering with Saint Francis.”
15:34 – 15:44
Oh, with Saint Francis! Well, we, we’re just listening to our favorite Irish Catholic monk today
who’s a big fan of Saint Francis.
His name is Brother Richard Hendricks. Maybe that’s why.
Unless we’re really talking with Saint Francis, which would be quite a surprise.
So, why did you bring–
16:25 – 16:26
yep. That’s D.
16:30 – 16:33
And that, was that in a mage?
16:36 – 16:41
A mage? Well, I suppose you could–
16:41 – 16:43
Hey, guys. Flying.
16:45 – 16:52
Flying. Okay. Who are we speaking with? Somebody that can fly.
We have a lot of spirit friends that can fly.
Which one are we talking to?
17:02 – 17:03
I hear a lilt.
17:05 – 17:06
Can you tell me–
17:14 – 17:17
Amused and qualified. Alright.
What’s amusing you?
Also, tell me a bit about who I’m talking to
We’re hoping to speak to our house guardians, but it sounded like maybe they weren’t available.
But I don’t know if I interpreted that right.
17:40 – 17:44
Well, straight on the inside, it’s a walk.
17:50 – 17:52
I don’t understand that. Sorry. Can you try again?
17:53 – 17:56
We’re already wrapping up the…
2 is a bonus achieved.
18:21 – 18:24
You achieved a bonus. Well, good for you.
Listen. Earlier, when we were having problems connecting–
18:36 – 18:46
Resurgence with Powered Up. I’ll be here with you in my life.
18:49 – 18:54
Are you talking… is that Badger or Owl talking?
Who’s gonna be with us?
18:57 – 18:57
18:59 – 19:02
Alright. Tell tell me who’s gonna be with us.
19:09 – 19:10
guys, I like you.
Idea on. It’s an actual term.
19:23 – 19:24
I’m glad that you like us.
I I bet I like you too.
It’s just I can’t say without knowing a bit about who I’m talking to. You seem
I like all of my spirit friends. So…
19:48 – 19:50
Issues? Who are you? I mean, haha
19:54 – 19:59
we are people with issues, I guess.
20:05 – 20:10
You don’t need to put everything off, lazy boy.
20:12 – 20:15
Why are you calling D a lazy boy?
20:16 – 20:17
It don’t matter.
20:23 – 20:29
Well, I guess I’ll just have to assume I’m talking to one of my spirit friends.
I would love to know which ones, but, tell me what’s new.
20:38 – 20:39
Let those words mark
a popular idea.
20:50 – 20:56
Which words? Maybe I’ll have to go back and read the transcript and figure figure out which
words you might be referring to.
21:00 – 21:04
Peace. I’ve seen it.
21:05 – 21:08
Oh, great. Do you know how to bring peace to the earth?
The peace that you’ve seen.
We’re not in a very peaceful time right now.
21:16 – 21:21
It’s it’s a restful place, lasting memories.
21:22 – 21:23
That sounds great.
How do we get peace?
How do we manifest that peace that you saw?
21:46 – 21:49
And onto the floor
Like a Leo.
21:56 – 22:06
Do you mean Doodlebug who’s sitting on the floor right now and biting his tail? Just a minute. (to cat: Hey. You don’t need to do that. Come.)
22:10 – 22:14
Future. And I like it. The hours.
22:17 – 22:18
You like the future?
Tell me about the future that you like.
I’d like to see a positive future for us.
22:28 – 22:30
House is becoming enchanted.
22:32 – 22:35
Do you mean our house is becoming enchanted?
22:36 – 22:37
What better way?
22:38 – 22:40
Well, I don’t know which way are you talking about.
Do you mean enchanting our house will bring peace?
If so, how do we do that?
Is there a a way to do that, to enchant the house best, I guess, is what I mean.
23:05 – 23:07
A gust of wind. That’s one.
23:10 – 23:18
Well, we as human beings don’t control the wind, so, I guess we would have to wait for a gust of wind.
Those happen pretty frequently, so, yeah, guess we don’t wait have to wait long.
What should we do when the gust of wind comes.
23:41 – 23:42
And we’re free.
Something we really liked here.
23:51 – 23:58
The gust of wind freed you, and you got to come here and do something you liked? What did you like?
23:59 – 24:02
She brings it here.
24:04 – 24:05
Who does?
24:13 – 24:15
And, of course, without talking,
you guys, it’s even bigger. I love you.
24:25 – 24:28
well, thank you. I’m sure we love you too.
It’s just we don’t know exactly who you are, so it’s hard to say.
You said she brings it here.
Maybe you mean Madre Cuyendas?
Maybe she helped you come here?
24:51 – 24:56
Yeah. Like, with lower risk, I thought.
24:57 – 25:02
Okay. What is it that you liked here that made you wanna come?
25:18 – 25:19
A friendly game.
It’s a story.
25:28 – 25:29
Oh. Inspired by telepathy.
25:32 – 25:35
Okay. Well, I would love to hear the story.
What’s the story about?
26:00 – 26:05
It’s a very important lesson. I made it tonight.
26:09 – 26:13
Okay. Tell me what the important lesson is.
26:20 – 26:21
Off station ([Name] Station?) here on (out?)
it’s everything!
26:39 – 26:43
The important lesson is off station here. It’s everything.
That’s a pretty big story.
Is there anything specific that you can tell me about this story?
26:53 – 26:54
Of course.
Tell me what you think of,
what you guys looking at.
27:07 – 27:16
If you mean that literally, on the TV right now, there’s sort of a kaleidoscope pattern playing with some rain.
27:16 – 27:20
Well, now we’re from here. We’re dealing with it.
27:21 – 27:24
Okay. Well, what are you dealing with?
27:42 – 27:49
They were now it’s like the room applies
in a place to get.
28:01 – 28:05
I’m sorry. I don’t really understand that. Can you try again?
28:10 – 28:15
Everything we walk with the animals,
and we make it up.
It’s a, it’s a… up.
28:31 – 28:35
You walk with the animals. You make it up.
Do you mean that you make up the story as you–
28:42 – 28:43
There’s another pin on the floor.
28:45 – 28:47
Oh, there is? Where is it?
I don’t wanna step on it. Where is the pin?
28:54 – 28:58
The form of that pin…the
is octavial.
29:05 – 29:08
You mean octagonal? Like, the it’s an 8 sided pin? (“Pin” as in marker?)
I can’t think of what an 8 sided pin would look like.
29:23 – 29:27
Hi. The way is and…
29:33 – 29:36
The way is what? Can you try that again?
I don’t think D understood you.
29:41 – 29:42
It’s a lot now.
29:44 – 29:45
Yeah. It does seem like a lot.
You were telling me about a pin on the ground with a shape that might be octagonal.
30:08 – 30:13
It’s all of us doing the little things. It’s up.
30:15 – 30:16
Something’s “up.”
You mean, like, up in the sky?
What is up?
30:34 – 30:35
30:36 – 30:37
I’m up?
30:38 – 30:39
Contact us.
30:40 – 30:44
Oh, yeah. We did contact you tonight.
Yeah. We hadn’t we hadn’t talked in a while. We’ve been–
30:53 – 30:55
I’d love to hear now giving it up.
31:01 – 31:02
Sorry. Try that again.
31:02 – 31:03
Time, any place.
31:03 – 31:07
Sorry. Try that again. What what do you wanna hear?
31:20 – 31:24
Of the house when, even next year,
it’s probably lucky things.
31:32 – 31:39
Oh, next year, the house will have lucky things. I like that prediction.
What kind of lucky things?
31:47 – 31:49
You have the… (D: too much Spanish.)
32:00 – 32:04
Oh, D doesn’t speak Spanish, so make sure to use English words.
32:04 – 32:07
When you think about it, the seasons are like
love. (of?)
32:31 – 32:32
Not sure how you mean that.
You know, there are typically 4 seasons here in Coastal California.
Seems like we’re perpetually in early fall or late spring.
32:49 – 32:50
They’re very high.
Can we still know it?
33:04 – 33:08
I’m not sure. What is it that you’re asking about?
I’ll tell you what I know if you let me know what you wanna ask.
33:19 – 33:20
So, I’m reading
the air
33:27 – 33:30
Okay. And what are you finding?
33:33 – 33:34
Oh, buddy. It’s
33:40 – 33:42
You’re finding that it’s safe. The air is safe.
33:44 – 33:46
Well, I’m glad to hear that.
Was the air somehow dangerous before?
34:00 – 34:07
She’s one of those, alright. There’s one. Magic.
34:11 – 34:15
She’s a magic one. Who is she?
I like magic people.
34:25 – 34:27
Said some things, I think, with
another voice.
34:38 – 34:40
So she said something with another voice.
34:40 – 34:46
Maybe she has a voice that she uses for magical incantations or something like that.
34:46 – 34:48
Somebody new. (knew?)
34:50 – 34:53
Oh, well, hello. Who’s the new person?
34:53 – 34:58
Focus on the hope that it brings. It’s handsome.
35:00 – 35:05
Okay. You said there was somebody new. Who is it?
35:10 – 35:11
Knew it, all lit up.
35:21 – 35:22
What’s lit up?
35:30 – 35:32
That’s not exactly what I’m saying.
35:33 – 35:36
Oh, okay. I’m sorry if I misunderstood you.
Can you try to say whatever it is you wanna communicate? Try it again.
35:40 – 35:43
After that, it’s talk talk.
35:51 – 35:55
What do you wanna say? Try it again.
36:07 – 36:08
It’s like a child.
36:16 – 36:20
Okay. I’m gonna ask you a question, something I’m curious about.
When we talk to you, do we go through an operator?
36:26 – 36:28
We have over 1,000.
36:29 – 36:32
Have over a 1000 operators. Wow. [Or 1000 children?]
36:36 – 36:38
Well, like we talked about.
36:44 – 36:47
Sorry. I’m not sure what you’re referring to.
36:49 – 36:52
The top 4 are reliable and
37:00 – 37:03
So the operators are reliable and coordinated.
Now that’s kinda strange because you said the top 4, but you said you have a 1,000 operators.
Does that mean that the other 996 aren’t reliable?
37:17 – 37:20
Help. Turning into animals.
37:22 – 37:27
You’re turn you’re turning into animals. Okay. Which animals?
37:38 – 37:40
It’s very fine from you.
37:48 – 37:50
The animals come from us?
Are we talking to our house guardians?
Because we gave them some animal forms.
38:02 – 38:06
You know, it’s like we spent a lot of time new friends.
38:10 – 38:10
I guess I just wanna know more about who you and your people are.
How did you come to know us?
Because it sounds like you come from a very different plane of existence than we do.
38:37 – 38:39
Forgot about that show.
38:41 – 38:42
Which show?
38:46 – 38:50
Your ring was a signal. (Jewelry? Tones that we play before each session?)
38:52 – 38:54
My ring was a signal?
38:55 – 38:55
38:57 – 38:59
Well, I don’t know. Ready for what?
39:05 – 39:07
You feel the wonder of the Lord?
39:11 – 39:14
At the moment, not particularly.
Why do you ask?
39:24 – 39:26
Yes. We’re waiting.
39:28 – 39:31
What did you mean about my ring being the signal?
39:31 – 39:32
It gets easier. Yeah.
39:34 – 39:35
It does. Okay. That’s good.
But but tell me what you mean about the ring being the signal.
Do you mean, like, a a literal ring that I wear on my finger?
39:50 – 39:51
Well, one thing we brought
is okay is
the feeling of first times
lyrics and hope.
In our sound, we also invite you to join us.
40:30 – 40:35
Oh, okay. How how would we join you?
Your song sounds very interesting, but, how how do I hear it and join you?
40:46 – 40:47
Sing it, sister.
40:49 – 40:55
I what song should I sing? It’s your song.
40:55 – 40:58
I hear it like somebody was waiting.
41:00 – 41:00
41:01 – 41:02
Smaller but consequential.
41:04 – 41:05
Alright. So it sounds like you have a song.
You’re inviting me to sing the song with you, but how do I hear this I I don’t know what the
song is, so I can’t sing it.
41:13 – 41:19
Coming to pass. Your word is the greatest. We’ve waited.
41:21 – 41:22
My word? That’s,
what what words have I said that have been great for you?
41:35 – 41:38
Everybody can go somewhere. It’s like the principalities
of joy. Well Primatheres (it’s possible this could be a derivation of Greek terms, like “First Mammals” or “First Animals” or even “First shape shifters”). (D: I don’t know if that’s a word.)
41:48 – 41:50
Primathereus. I don’t know either.
The principalities bring joy. Do you mean–
41:57 – 41:59
We also hear that on the wild front.
42:06 – 42:12
Which principalities? Do you mean the forests that we go to where we have our little spots?
42:21 – 42:25
That’s what I wanna see. You’re in it.
42:28 – 42:30
I’m in the principality right now?
You mean the [our city] Principality?
You mean [Name] Station here in [our city]?
Well, I think [our city] could use a–
42:41 – 42:42
I saw it.
And this place is like conversation.
42:51 – 42:55
Well, we do not have any avocados in the house. I’m sorry.
There’s some apple on the table for you.
42:58 – 43:01
True IDs and rising power, we gonna have it.
43:03 – 43:07
Okay. What kind of power do you think you’re gonna have?
43:09 – 43:11
We’re on the wall savers.
43:23 – 43:24
I don’t understand that.
43:26 – 43:27
This is good.
43:37 – 43:42
I’m glad something’s good. I just don’t know what you’re referring to.
43:46 – 43:47
Let’s say it’s physics.
43:51 – 43:57
Oh, and you say “we’re on the wall savers,” do you mean you’re on the wall in the picture of
owl and badger that we have on the wall?
44:00 – 44:02
Be sure and check that out.
Can’t be beat. A lot of people–
Hey, girlfriend.
44:24 – 44:25
44:25 – 44:26
You know who I am.
44:27 – 44:29
I actually am not sure
You could be a whole bunch of different people.
So give me give me some information about who you are, please.
44:41 – 44:41
Tu oso
44:43 – 44:51
Your bear? Your bear? We have a bear?
44:57 – 44:58
Feeling a little lighter
and the entire world can pray as well.
45:17 – 45:20
Well, I guess our world definitely needs some prayers.
Why did you say that about–
45:29 – 45:33
And before you know it, it’s fast, easy, and secure.
And the others are angling for a deep breath.
45:50 – 45:54
That’s all very interesting, but I I didn’t really understand that.
I feel like you’ve said so many interesting things, but then you move on to the next thing,
and I I don’t have a chance to figure out what it is you’re talking about.
So can you tell me the thing that is most important for us to know?
46:10 – 46:12
Well, since it did not…
You govern all things in your own house.
46:39 – 46:40
that’s a
a specific statement. Thank you for that.
Tell me why it’s important for us to think about that right now.
46:49 – 46:52
Here we have, it’s magic.
46:55 – 46:56
Our house is magic?
I’ll agree with you on that.
Ok, I’m just not sure where to go with that.
47:15 – 47:16
Me gusta?
47:17 – 47:21
You like the magic house? Well, I’m glad.
What do you think it’d be good for us to do in this magic house?
47:34 – 47:40
Don’t worry. Using angels sing
because somehow
48:02 – 48:07
Angels sing because it’s healthy? You know, I agree. I think health–
48:07 – 48:08
It’s raw hope.
48:10 – 48:16
Singing is raw hope. You’ve mentioned hope many times.
What are you hoping for?
48:19 – 48:22
All momma’s chariots. (children?)
48:26 – 48:30
Say that again? What are you hoping for?
48:34 – 48:35
48:43 – 48:47
Tell me what you’re hoping for because you’ve said hope several times.
48:48 – 48:50
How much it was
since poor gal over there.
49:05 – 49:08
I don’t understand that. Can you try again?
49:17 – 49:18
It’s a gift.
49:20 – 49:25
Well, that sounds nice. What’s the gift?
49:45 – 50:02
And, mask, bringing back the spirit and more, we are counting just to prepare ourselves for…
50:15 – 50:17
D: say we need to finish that sentence.
50:18 – 50:19
Can you finish that sentence?
You’re preparing yourselves for for what? Finish the sentence, please.
50:28 – 50:30
Little bit of that. Little bit of that. What are you thinking?
50:32 – 50:37
I’m wondering how you were gonna end that sentence. You’re preparing for something.
So I’m wondering what it is that you prepare you wanna prepare for.
50:47 – 50:51
Just wait. It’s getting better all the time.
50:52 – 50:58
Okay. You’re preparing for things to get better.
What are you doing to prepare?
I’d very much like things to get better.
We might have to wrap this up soon.
So can you tell me, like, if there’s any last words that you really wanna share with us?
51:39 – 51:40
51:41 – 51:42
A present?
You mean a present, like a gift?
You said gift earlier, or do you mean that you are present as in you are nearby?
52:04 – 52:10
D: Just a warning. I I think the battery must be dying on this now.
52:11 – 52:12
Oh, okay.
Yeah. So it sounds like–
52:18 – 52:23
What were you facing? It’s some of that silence so that you can.
52:28 – 52:32
Who was I facing? Yeah.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure when you’re talking about, you know, in what context.
So it’s hard for me to answer that question.
52:44 – 52:46
A little bit of heaven.
52:52 – 52:56
You’re hoping for heaven? Yeah.
52:57 – 52:58
53:09 – 53:11
Okay. Any last words?
53:30 – 53:31
We absolute
Often, just as little as nothing more that’s in your face.
53:50 – 53:52
I definitely don’t understand that.
Can you try that again?
Okay. Well, thank you very much for talking with us.
54:28 – 54:29
Yeah. You’re right.
Yeah. My it’s it’s time to to wrap it up. So thank you.
54:36 – 54:41
We’ll talk to you again soon, and, I’m gonna bring D out of this.
54:42 – 54:47
Even if we were surrounded by bad guys, we got this.
54:50 – 54:58
Oh, well, thank you. I’m I’m glad to know that that, if we were surrounded by bad guys, you’d be there.
You’d be there to help.
Okay. Thank you for talking with us.
[D ends spirit box session]
55:23 – 55:26
D: Wow. It’s really hard.
55:27 – 55:30
Yeah. Anything you wanna say for the recording?
55:30 – 55:38
It’s just it’s it’s so weird the way that it would be so difficult to get anything, and
then there were, like, big, long thoughts that would end up being kind of incomplete.
But it felt like …
I’m not sure what exactly to say.
It felt like there was some difficulty, definitely, but also, like,
there was some back and forth between wanting just to say pleasantries and feeling like there
was something important to say as well.
And I couldn’t quite get a hold of the something important to say.
And to be honest, I kind of like the pleasantries, but I couldn’t quite grab a hold of that important to say part.
56:43 – 56:48
Yeah. We’ll have to read the transcript because I had that same impression.
56:49 – 56:53
Yeah. Also, I really want a taco now.
56:55 – 56:57
I I suppose we can.