101124: Mister coffee is coming up

00:02 – 00:09

Alright. Good good afternoon to our spirit friends.

00:12 – 00:19

It is Friday, October 11th. It’s about 4 PM.

00:19 – 00:21

It’s a little earlier than usual.

00:22 – 00:30

We are hoping to take advantage of a solar flare, solar storm, and

00:33 – 00:36

hoping it might improve our ability to connect.

00:39 – 00:42

So we’re here at our home in [city].

00:43 – 00:49

We have a little spread set out for you with some snacks, some drinks, some flowers, and incense.

00:51 – 00:55

We’re hoping to, well, I’m not sure.

00:55 – 01:01

I guess, primarily, at first, we’d love to talk to our house guardians, badger and owl.

01:03 – 01:05

We hope they’re here with us.

01:07 – 01:12

It looks like D has to make some adjustments on the spirit box.

01:12 – 01:14

So hang on for just a moment, please.

01:27 – 01:30

Okay. It looks like he’s done making his adjustments. So,

01:34 – 01:41

welcome. Hope to speak to owl and guardian, our house or owl and badger, our house guardians.

01:48 – 01:50

Would anyone like to talk?

02:07 – 02:10

There’s some tea on the table for you.

02:10 – 02:20

It is pumpkin spice, which is kind of a common seasonal treat that we have.

02:20 – 02:20

Say something.

02:21 – 02:32

Hello. I’m K, and this is D in Doodlebug, and you’re here in [city] at Goff Station. Can you hear me?

02:33 – 02:37

Are you really on deck?

02:40 – 02:43

We are here at our home talking to you.

02:44 – 02:45

Is is that what you mean?

02:50 – 02:52

We are not literally on a deck. So

03:01 – 03:04

Where are you? Are you here with us?

03:14 – 03:17

Is there anything we can do to make it easier to talk?

03:18 – 03:21

Heard that thing. Buckle up.

03:23 – 03:29

You heard that thing. Were you talking about the liar that I was playing earlier? Maybe you heard

03:30 – 03:31


03:38 – 03:38


03:40 – 03:42

Oh, 100. 100 of what?

03:45 – 03:51

It’s a word you use often, but, sadly, I don’t always know the context. 100 of what?

04:08 – 04:10

I’m hoping you can hear me okay.

04:10 – 04:15

If there’s anything we can do to make communicating easier, please let me know.

04:28 – 04:31

Is there anyone who would like to talk?

04:38 – 04:39


04:44 – 04:45


04:49 – 04:54

Are you saying it’s it’s a little difficult to hear us or communicate with us?

05:00 – 05:00

The lights?

05:03 – 05:07

The lights. Well, it’s

05:07 – 05:08

In true

05:11 – 05:17

spirit form meaning. Lights in true spirit form meaning. Okay.

05:21 – 05:27

I I take it you don’t mean, like, a physical light, like, a light switch or something.

05:31 – 05:34

D. That is D. Yeah.

05:34 – 05:39

Later on Oh. Your

05:52 – 05:55

D is looking at the spirit box as if something is wrong.

05:59 – 06:01

The lights are flashing.

06:08 – 06:10

Sorry for the delay. Not sure what’s going on here.

06:17 – 06:22

It’s back. What? I have no idea what just happened.

06:25 – 06:28

The, this whole thing has been very strange so far.

06:30 – 06:37

It feels like like the sweep rate is way too fast, but it’s not.

06:38 – 06:44

And just now it just disappeared for I don’t know what that was. 30 seconds or

06:46 – 06:53

Wow. That’s very odd and kind of the opposite of what we were hoping would happen.

06:56 – 06:59

So I’m sorry if things are a little challenging right now.

06:59 – 07:03

Are you able to hear us? If so, please respond.

07:11 – 07:17

We have a pretty calm, crazy,

07:22 – 07:25

sit thistle

07:29 – 07:33

at work. A calm Tree near

07:41 – 07:45

okay. So calm and crazy are kind of opposite. That’s interesting.

07:47 – 07:54

If you say it’s thistle, like, you could mean a literal thistle plant, or maybe you’re using

07:54 – 08:02

that metaphorically to talk about something that’s, like, spiky and maybe, like, getting in the way,

08:05 – 08:09

causing a holdup barrier or something.

08:12 – 08:15

Marley, focus up

08:21 – 08:24

I don’t understand that. Can you try again?

08:28 – 08:30

And the newer

08:34 – 08:34


08:44 – 08:47

Yeah. I don’t know what you mean by newer effect.

08:51 – 08:53

Okay. Looks like D has given up.

08:54 – 08:56

This is this is not working.

08:57 – 08:57


08:57 – 09:02

I’m tempted to, try the one that’s in the car.

09:03 – 09:03


09:06 – 09:08

I don’t know if it would be any different. But

09:09 – 09:10

An interesting experiment.

09:11 – 09:15

Yeah. This is just it’s it’s weird.

09:17 – 09:26

I mean, when you think about what the device is and how chaotic that concept sounds Mhmm.

09:27 – 09:31

That’s what I’m getting, which is kinda like, well, yeah, that’s what you’d expect.

09:32 – 09:46

Except, no, during a normal session, there’s, like, bits of the gate chaos that come together and and make stuff. This is just like

09:50 – 09:53

I don’t know. Just a big pile of noise.

09:54 – 10:03

And, occasionally, underneath, I could hear this little tiny voice, but I couldn’t tell what it was saying.

10:05 – 10:10

Maybe solar activity, like solar storms.

10:11 – 10:17

They might be good for some kinds of spiritual work, but maybe for a spirit box session, it

10:17 – 10:27

just is too powerful and kind of just adds chaos and noise.

10:28 – 10:28


10:29 – 10:31

But do you wanna try that one? Or

10:31 – 10:36

Let’s let’s try the other one just because I’m curious. Okay. I’ll ask. You.

10:36 – 10:44

Okay. Very interesting. We took, our a different spirit box, the one we keep in the car.

10:46 – 10:49

And D says it’s so much better.

10:49 – 10:57

This is very interesting, and I don’t know why that would be. But anyway, so

11:00 – 11:06

hello to our spirit friends, to anyone who’s listening, and who has love and kindness in their

11:06 – 11:18

hearts and wants to talk and, is, I guess, approved by our our dragons and our guardians and our spirit friends. So,

11:21 – 11:26

D is, holding the spirit box, the the different one that seems to work better.

11:26 – 11:30

So we’ll just start and say let’s start over and say hello.

11:31 – 11:33

Is there anyone who’d like to talk with us?

11:36 – 11:38

Love to talk to our house guardians.

11:38 – 11:42

Are they and the next calling is now then.

11:44 – 11:47

Yes. It is. We switched out our spirit boxes.

11:47 – 11:50

There was something wrong with the first one, so sorry about that.

11:53 – 11:55

Hello, and how are you?

11:56 – 11:59

It makes you feel like if you were

12:05 – 12:05


12:08 – 12:10

Who am I talking with?

12:19 – 12:26

There’s some snacks and drinks on the table, some nice autumn inspired flavors.

12:35 – 12:42

It’s the product of here comes good old same with

12:46 – 12:48

homeowners. Good

12:48 – 12:57

old same with homeowners. We must be talking to our house guardians to badger and owl. Hello. Hello. How have you been?

13:00 – 13:02

Tell tell me how you’ve been spending

13:02 – 13:04

The kind of work we have

13:07 – 13:10

is with fruit.

13:13 – 13:17

I don’t deserve all the same

13:22 – 13:23


13:27 – 13:28

That was odd.

13:32 – 13:36

You said your work comes with fruit, like fruits of your labor maybe.

13:36 – 13:38

What kind of fruit is it?

13:50 – 13:57

It’s how you program them. Oh, man. I’m talking along

14:00 – 14:07

for that and for oral indications.

14:11 – 14:14

Interesting. Can you explain more about that?

14:14 – 14:16

I didn’t quite understand what you meant.

14:19 – 14:23

Talk. Talk. Where I is alright.

14:24 – 14:30

You’re okay? Alright. I’m I’m glad to hear that you’re doing okay.

14:31 – 14:36

Have you been sticking around the house, or have you been exploring, around the neighborhood?

15:00 – 15:05

We’re all welcome back even

15:08 – 15:13

with the options. The color is interesting.

15:15 – 15:18

Okay. What what options are you referring to?

15:29 – 15:33

A thing like that. You know? It’s happening.

15:39 – 15:44

The youth, the or more like the young servant.

15:46 – 15:48

A young servant.

15:49 – 15:50

Helps with creation.

15:51 – 15:57

A young servant helps with creation. That’s interesting.

15:57 – 16:02

What is the young servant creating or helping with creating?

16:04 – 16:06

It’s good environmental practices.

16:09 – 16:10

All of us.

16:11 – 16:17

It it sounds like you’ve got somebody helping you take good care of the land.

16:17 – 16:19

Is that what you mean?

16:19 – 16:21

You in dreams,

16:24 – 16:28

and we talked about reverent

16:33 – 16:34

to everyone,

16:37 – 16:38

the pride of choice.

16:41 – 16:48

Well, I don’t remember talking to you in dreams, but I haven’t remembered my dreams lately very well.

16:51 – 16:53

You said we talked about reference.

16:54 – 16:56

What what were we revering?

17:08 – 17:09

Talking about that.

17:11 – 17:13

Okay. We’re talking about what?

17:14 – 17:20

Many times, actually, it’s like a fortress and patience.

17:21 – 17:24

Okay. Maybe you mean the house is like a fortress,

17:27 – 17:35

and you’re being patient. Are you are you heart. Okay.

17:35 – 17:38

Are you are you waiting for something?

17:39 – 17:40

Is that what you’re being patient?

17:41 – 17:44

Forever will have,

17:51 – 17:53

not sure I got that.

17:53 – 17:55

Try try communicating that again.

17:55 – 17:57

I don’t think they’ve understood you.

18:00 – 18:04

Go through all the hoops that are necessary, open to freedom.

18:07 – 18:11

So you’re going through some hoops so that you can have freedom.

18:11 – 18:13

Are you not free right now?

18:23 – 18:24

Are you ready

18:27 – 18:27


18:32 – 18:33


18:40 – 18:41

to make landfall.

18:43 – 18:45

Am I ready to make landfall?

18:49 – 18:52

Somebody with all this great stuff,

18:57 – 18:57

It’s amazing.

19:02 – 19:03


19:09 – 19:12

We’re like a friend,

19:17 – 19:18

with you forever.

19:22 – 19:22


19:28 – 19:30

So it sounded like you

19:31 – 19:38

We go back to the level of interest we’re all supported.

19:41 – 19:42


19:47 – 19:50

I would also like to talk to Madre.

19:51 – 19:53

Do you think you can find her?

19:54 – 19:56

What was in that book?

19:57 – 20:02

Which book? Tell tell me about the the book you’re asking about.

20:06 – 20:07

We have a lot of books.

20:12 – 20:15

We special spiritual brothers.

20:17 – 20:20

You are special. Yes. You really are.

Unless you’re saying that was what the book was about, Special Spiritual Brothers.

20:34 – 20:35

Starting, like, on Monday.

20:38 – 20:45

Only thing I can think of about special spiritual brothers is I’m staring right now at my little Hanuman book.

20:46 – 20:49

That’s because he’s armed with specialized…I think it’s important to pick it up and talk, this whole playground.

It’s what you describe


21:18 – 21:22

Is okay. So it sounds like you’ve been enjoying yourselves. That’s good.

21:26 – 21:27

It’s protection.

21:28 – 21:33

You you enjoy protecting? Is that what you mean?

21:41 – 21:42

Learn more.

21:42 – 21:45

You wanna learn more. What do you wanna learn about?

21:47 – 21:50

Totally being respectful.

21:53 – 21:55

Okay. That’s good. You wanna learn about how to be respectful?

What do you wanna learn about?

22:14 – 22:17

Call the fox.

22:19 – 22:25

Oh, okay. White fox. White fox. White fox.

The house guardian asked you to be here.

So white fox, please come join us.

22:31 – 22:33

Keep in mind all the currents.

22:35 – 22:39

Okay. What what should I keep in mind about currents?

22:55 – 23:00

Differences comes across. They were saying

cabin fever.

…The exact representation, I love


23:41 – 23:43

Mister coffee is coming up.

23:44 – 23:53

Oh, that sounds good. It’s a little late in the day for coffee, but, you know, still sounds good.

23:57 – 24:00

Pushing this revolution forward.

I mean, got that for commissioning a coat.

24:13 – 24:15

What is the revolution about?

Revolutions usually have a a goal or something big they change.

24:22 – 24:27

Yeah. We got someone live on the line. That’s right.

24:27 – 24:28

Who is it?

24:30 – 24:31

My husband.

24:32 – 24:35

Oh, that’s very interesting. Who’s–

24:35 – 24:36

Call us.

24:40 – 24:49

I’m not sure who’s the husband? Who’s the husband of? What’s his name?

How should we call him?

There’s a lot that I don’t know.

25:00 – 25:01

You’re loud.

25:02 – 25:05

We’re loud? Okay. I hope that’s good.

I hope that means you can hear us. Are we too loud?

25:11 – 25:12


25:12 – 25:15

Yeah. We’re too loud? Oh.

25:18 – 25:19

It’s a salad bowl.

25:23 – 25:26

Can you explain specifically how we’re too loud?

I’m not sure exactly what you mean.

I mean, like, we’re talking too loudly? Or…?

25:42 – 25:43

Yo I’m Moss Landing

I’m talking to Moss Landing?

25:52 – 25:54

You’re not losing the pledges.

The ability is counting, counting.

26:03 – 26:06

Okay. I’m, a little confused.

Can you think really hard about what your main message is that you want us to know and try to say that very clearly?

26:18 – 26:21

Well, either it’s not unhooked or it’s an executive.

There was a connection.

26:34 – 26:35

What was being connected?

26:39 – 26:41

Anna, for a minute. Yeah.

26:54 – 26:58

Most of this is not really making a lot of sense to me…………………

27:31 – 27:32

Hispanic people.

27:34 – 27:42

What about Hispanic people? I was just looking out the window and saw a Hispanic man, if that’s what you mean.

27:43 – 27:48

Yeah. You have to you have to actually look it up.

27:53 – 27:55

Have to look up Hispanic people?

That’s a very broad subject.

28:00 – 28:01

March after Every 10 seconds.

28:04 – 28:06

Hispanic people march after every 10 seconds?

28:12 – 28:13

Get unlimited.

Something to get rid of.

I’m I’m afraid I don’t really know what you mean.

Why did you mention Hispanic people?

28:41 – 28:45

D: Okay. Hold on. Well, that’s weird.

This feels like it’s better, but it’s almost like multiple

people trying to get through and nobody’s getting through properly.

29:03 – 29:04

K: It’s all been nonsensical.

29:06 – 29:09

D: Yeah. I mean, sometimes we think that, and then we look at the

Transcript, and it seems like something came through.

But this has been kinda weird.

Not in the useful way.

29:24 – 29:33

K: well, I’m still willing to try working with the solar energy stuff, but so far, it hasn’t worked

well today for the spirit box.

29:35 – 29:38

So I guess I’ll stop this. Okay.

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