080324: The Heartbeat
00:18 - 00:25
Hello. Hello to any forestĀ friends who are listening.
It is Saturday, August 3, 2024.
My name is K. This is D.
And we've come to talk with
any forest friends who are interested in talking with us, who have love, kindness in their hearts,
good intentions, and just are interested in having a friendly conversation with some visitors to your beautiful forest.
And you know when you've come here before, we've had, a device that you can talk into.
And unfortunately, that device, is out of battery power, so we're not able to use it.
So, what we're gonna do instead is just do a little meditation and D is going to say aloud
anything that comes to his mind.
So, instead of talking into the box like you did last time, you can try talking directly to
D and he will say anything that he hears.
And I can respond And maybe we can have a conversation that way.
It's a little more challenging.
But, if anybody wants to try it,
just let us know what you you think and
What you wanted to say.
So with that, I'll say hello. Would anyone like
to talk?
All those with love, kindness, and good intentions.
03:07 - 03:13
Small face with wide eyes.
The face is vaguely triangular
I guess trapezoidal might be the better way to put it.
And the eyes and eye sockets actually seem to come off
the edges of the head, even their dark eyes. They
have golden
irises. They're not really where we might have a black circle, it's more like
white I mean, sorry. Gold
Random lines, almost
like random
organic growth.
Other than that, the eyes are just very dark.
The mouth is small. I don't... I can't get a sense of a nose.
No hair. And the texture of the skin is very
Hard, like, harder than ours.
Not, like, not like metal, but more like
Textured wood.
And the color is dark, but with a green hue.
05:46 - 05:48
Well, hello to you.
05:50 - 05:58
Just saw that face right in front of me. Just for a moment. Not scary.
Not bad in any way. Just looking.
06:06 - 06:08
Well, it's nice to meet you.
06:09 - 06:13
Also, like a photo negative of a sun?
Actually, I think that's the kind of thing that happens when you close your eyes and you get
your own iris image back at you.
06:29 - 06:34
Well, to the being that D is seeing, is there... what should we call you?
06:38 - 06:40
Mountains in a distance over
a wide lake. Feels very old.
06:57 - 07:00
That sounds nice. Is that where you're from?
07:11 - 07:17
I felt the sensation of plunging down into the water and going very deep.
And then sitting on dry land, But there's like the ghost of water all around me.
07:54 - 08:01
Can you tell us about this this lake or the... it sounds like it might be a former lake now.
08:22 - 08:26
I feel like the area became
dry, fertile land,
not because of the sun, but because of the lack of it.
08:42 - 08:43
That's interesting. Okay.
08:43 - 08:45
I don't know what that means.
08:45 - 08:47
Yeah. I'm not sure what that means.
Maybe you wanna elaborate a bit more.
08:51 - 08:55
Tell us, the significance of the--
same thing.
It's more like a valley now.
Verdant with many creeks running between moss covered rocks and low plants.
09:31 - 09:32
That sounds lovely.
Is this what ....is that what this land used to look like in the past?
09:54 - 10:01
I get the feeling of a huge fin passing right through my body,
kind of came from behind into the right and passed through most of my body and continued on
in the direction of my left side.
I don't see anything.
10:36 - 10:37
Can you--
10:38 - 10:49
I wanna get up and walk, but for some reason, I get the feeling that everything is so far away.
11:14 - 11:16
Can you tell us more about yourself?
Anything you want to share with us?
Any questions you want to ask?
11:23 - 11:24
I feel like in the distance, I see
somebody sitting cross legged on the ground but kneeling way forward so that they actually just
look a moss... look like a moss covered rock.
I just felt a humming on my leg.
I'm going toward the rock.
It's like moving through something. It's... there's resistance.
I have a feeling, though, that if I went the other direction, I'd get caught up in a current and
not be able to stop.
If I stand in front of the little rocks, it no longer looks like a person.
But it looks very reasonable to think it would have been.
Up in the distance, I see a ball of light that is almost like a balloon
that like a birthday party helium balloon, except it's just light.
And it it even seems as if there's a a kind of string trailing behind it, and it's just kind of floating around aimlessly.
I have the vague sense that it's generally coming closer, but
in a random meandering kind of way.
imagine? feel like?
the face is now standing next to me
in front of the stones.
And I can see the whole body now, like, spindly
and nude?
Except there might be
lichen and such growing on it.
It's looking at the rock.
I'm turning back to the rock.
I feel like the eyes are actually hollow. Like,
they might be hollow somehow.
Ask a question, K.
18:00 - 18:07
So to the being that D has seen, can you tell us more about yourself or can someone tell us more about this being?
18:23 - 18:35
The response is to open its arms expansively and to also point at the rock like like that. [D opened his arms wide, then brought them together, almost overlapping each other to have the hands pointing at the rock]
18:43 - 18:48
Are you a representation of the forest?
And maybe you live in that rock?
What's the significance of that?
19:05 - 19:07
Belly button kind of,
a person who stopped in the spot and stayed, but it's also kind of like a belly button.
[D feels the rock is a cover for the belly button, and to be clear, the rock is nothing we saw in the actual forest]
19:25 - 19:26
So like,
almost like a portal between one world and another.
Maybe where life comes from the earth through the rock. Is that right?
19:57 - 20:00
I think there's a response that
had to do with
just watching, not engaging,
outside of
20:46 - 20:48
How are you seeing us?
20:52 - 20:57
Can you take your phone off my leg? Thank you.
21:01 - 21:07
I'm curious how you're seeing us because we can't see you.
21:07 - 21:09
Can you put your hand on my other knee? [I do that]
21:25 - 21:28
It's interesting. D looks like he's gonna cry.
21:34 - 21:36
Can you send some energy?
Sure. [I do that]
22:29 - 22:29
Kinda lost my
balance for a second.
22:58 - 23:00
OK. D actually is crying now. [Spiritual weeping; he clarified later that no sad emotions were happening]
23:00 - 23:01
Ask a question again?
23:04 - 23:05
Tell us more about you.
What would you like us to know?
We're visiting you. What do you ... what would you like us to know about you?
Or a message you wanna tell us?
23:38 - 23:40
Honestly, this is pretty weird. I'm feeling
not bad. Don't don't worry about that. Just really overwhelmed.
Like, there's a
lot. [Afterwards, he says it was like drinking from a firehose. Like no identifiable emotion or anything you could pin down as communication, but like standing in a hurricane of energy]
23:56 - 23:57
Maybe you can focus on just one thing you'd like us to know.
Just one thing at a time.
24:12 - 24:17
The concept of MC came to mind.
But not in relation to the the being that's in the area.
The scene that I was getting isn't here.
It's it's kind of like a, a story,
something to know.
I think the stone has something to do with MC. [Later he clarifies that he was communicating with a being like MC but bigger]
I think it's also a capstone. [He said he meant like the stone was kind of a filter over a larger space]
25:34 - 25:36
What do you mean by capstone?
Maybe we'll have to ask later after we're done here.
Are you... do you know MC or maybe you're a being like her? [He says yes, they know of each other]
25:57 - 26:01
So funny. I feel kinda ridiculous. This is
just kind of silly, and yet I cannot deny the tears literally that have run down my face.
26:31 - 26:35
Do you need help? Is there something we can do to help you?
26:41 - 26:46
I have a feeling that you've gotten close to something conceptually.
I don't know if you even asked a question.
26:51 - 26:58
Mhmm. Okay. Can you give D some images of the kind of help you need?
Or feelings, words, something to
guide us.
If you need help, we'll try to help you.
But I don't know what you need.
27:32 - 27:33
like, an organic corridor,
I can't say it's, like, an underground cave, but, that's, I guess, what would make the most sense or a hole.
But it feels more like an organic corridor. [Later he says like a tunnel]
I can see roots of trees,
and you can
touch them, and it feels a bit grounding.
Repeat the last thing you said or asked.
28:56 - 28:59
Do you need help If you need help,
--there goes a jogger.
29:05 - 29:06
Because I'm
thinking that the root of the tree
is giving me an impression of, again, "yes, but not quite."
29:25 - 29:28
Okay. Do you need help?
If you need help, give us--
29:31 - 29:33
There's a flow here.
I can feel it moving through me.
It's, coming from the direction I'm facing and going to the capstone.
The roots are also filters.
30:10 - 30:18
Do you need help? If you need help, give us an idea of what we can do for you.
We will help you if we can but we need to know what you need.
If you can.
I feel like there is actually gratitude, but it's like,
like the gratitude a whale might feel to bacteria eating parasites on its skin.
31:15 - 31:17
Well, that's fair.
Well, if there's something you want us "bacteria" to help you with.
Please let us know.
31:40 - 31:46
Suddenly, the sun's above me and clouds are clearing up
Well, that might be literal.
Like, the marine layer dissolving.
31:57 - 31:59
It's not, actually.
31:59 - 32:01
It feels very bright now.
32:01 - 32:03
Nothing has changed here.
32:09 - 32:13
I feel movement going through me, though. Like,
I don't know if this is literal, but the smell of pine trees is so strong to me right now.
32:48 - 32:55
We are surrounded by junipers and pines.
...Can you tell us about what's important to you?
33:42 - 33:46
I'm sorry. The the sense of overwhelm keeps coming back.
I can't quite get completely grounded. Sometimes I feel like
I'm on the verge of being just washed in random directions.
Oh, there's that light again.
34:08 - 34:13
Okay. So remember that we're human beings.
We have limited capacity to perceive and process information.
If you can focus on one very clear point that you wanna communicate, that will help D a lot.
Maybe something that's very important to you that you want us to know about.
34:59 - 35:01
I'm honestly super--
not physically, but, I don't know, energetically very cold except where your hand is touching
me, which feels super, super warm.
Oh, yeah. There's there's, there's something to the left and behind me watching, curious.
35:44 - 35:45
35:55 - 35:58
I get the feeling it doesn't really..
it's just curious. Like, if we stopped being interesting, it would wander away.
36:08 - 36:10
Is there anything you'd like to say to us?
I can't see you or perceive you, but D can.
36:18 - 36:27
I don't know if you just said something, but I feel like it is cautiously moving closer, more
like to my left than left and behind now.
36:31 - 36:35
Okay. Do you live here?
36:35 - 36:40
Like it it's eyeing something and wants to pick something up.
36:41 - 36:44
Oh, the snacks over there. You can have those.
We left those for forest beings
So apples and zucchini and almonds. They're good snacks.
The apples are really good.
37:00 - 37:01
I feel like the
I don't know what to call him.
The face person is kind of smiling now.
37:16 - 37:17
I hope you like them. [the snacks]
37:21 - 37:30
And is right here and kind of gesturing expensively, almost like there's
there's something we should know.
Like, you know, when somebody thinks you're in on a joke, but you don't really understand.
Not a joke, but just ... something
37:45 - 37:52
Well, I had asked if you live here.
Maybe you mean that all of this forest is where you live.
If so, you have a lovely home.
We've only been here a few times.
I really like it, though.
We've been looking for a forest place where we can do what we're doing here, communicate with
the beings who live here.
38:15 - 38:17
Specifically to you:
sun and underground
staying rooted but learning more about both.
38:45 - 38:54
The sun. Are you telling me that I should learn more about the sun and and the underground?
38:55 - 39:00
Sorry. Overwhelm. Yeah. It's like a map.
39:01 - 39:06
Okay. Do you mean that in a--
39:07 - 39:08
Or like making a map.
39:09 - 39:12
Make a map of the sun and the underground.
do you mean that in a literal sense?
Like, there's something literally under the ground beneath our feet that we should look at and on the sun?
Or do you mean that like
Apollo and Hades or something?
39:39 - 39:41
It's hard to, uh ...
We say things that are hard to understand too.
39:59 - 40:07
Oh, I agree. Is there something we can do to communicate with you better or easier?
Listen for the heartbeat. It's not a sound. It's
would that be like an energy fluctuation?
40:53 - 40:54
Have I got it? I'm trying. [I'm listening for the heartbeat when I say this]
43:09 - 43:12
There's a change. There's a a more,
regular human kind of feel with the concepts of
heliotropism and, is there a term for it? Lunatropism?
Is that even a thing?
Are there plants that follow the moon? [He clarifies that it wasn't saying "find these particular plants" but rather it was using the plants as an example of following the sun and moon patterns]
43:57 - 44:00
I believe so. I'm not sure.
I would need to look that up.
44:03 - 44:04
Less overwhelm.
44:06 - 44:07
Okay. Well, hello.
Can you tell us something about yourself?
44:17 - 44:27
I get it. That heartbeat is,
partially based on
the movement of nearby bodies like the sun and the moon.
And, of course, the earth we're sitting on
The push and the pull.
45:05 - 45:06
The tides?
45:11 - 45:13
Feeling the flow.
Turns out that's a real thing.
Do you have any advice on how we can perceive those flows and forces better?
45:33 - 45:40
I feel like somebody was once told that they should follow a beetle.
Like, a very
large beetle as it's digging through. Soft earth.
46:01 - 46:06
Follow a beetle as it digs through soft earth.
I don't quite know what you--
46:24 - 46:28
That all came on really strong, and I'm not feeling it as much now.
And I am at the very least--
46:36 - 46:39
D just opened his eyes.
46:40 - 46:42
--going to take a break.
You need to make a map of the
sun and underground to learn more about both.
Listen for the heartbeat. It's not a sound. It's an energy fluctuation.
Consider the concepts of
heliotropism and how the moon can affect plants.
That heartbeat is,
partially based on
the movement of nearby bodies like the sun and the moon.
And, of course, the earth we're sitting on
The push and the pull.
Feeling the flow.
Turns out that's a real thing.
To do this, somebody was once told that they should follow a beetle.
Like, a very
large beetle as it's digging through soft earth.