052024 Spider spins a web

00:03 - 00:05
Hello. Hello to our forest friends.
It is Monday, May 20, 2024, and today is me and D's 18th wedding anniversary.
It might not seem like a long time to trees, but for humans, that's a pretty long time to be married. So we are celebrating.
And we left some snacks for your critters over there, and we're really happy to be back and talking to you. We've missed you, and,
we would love to just say hello and see if any of our forest friends or MC want to talk. So with that, hello.
Would anyone like to talk?
... I think D is trying to get the box to work properly.
And just as a reminder, in case you don't remember, you can, talk into that box that he's holding or think into it, really hard, and he might be able to hear you.
He will say what he hears, and then I will hear that, and I'll respond to it, and we can have a conversation that way.
Would anybody like--
01:43 - 01:44
Start your engines.
01:44 - 01:46
Alright. Yes. Start your engines.
01:46 - 01:47
Including our environment.
01:49 - 01:54
Yeah. We are in your beautiful environment here.
Is there anything you'd like to say about your environment?
Your ecosystem, how things have been going for you?
I'm enjoying all of the beautiful new growth on the redwoods
02:21 - 02:22
Love y'all.
02:23 - 02:25
Well, we love you all too.
We're so glad to be here.
How have things been going for you?
02:35 - 02:36
I am.
02:38 - 02:41
You are. It's a very spiritual approach to things.
"I am" is living in the present moment and not applying too many labels to yourself.
02:57 - 02:59
We're activated. Tell me more.
02:59 - 03:06
Oh, you're activated. Okay. I don't know precisely what that means.
Maybe you just mean that you found us.
What would you like to know more about?
I'm happy to talk to you.
Just need to know what your question is.
03:28 - 03:30
In some states of
it's out for that.
03:42 - 03:43
I'm not sure what that meant.
Well, you said, "tell me more."
What did I just say before that?
Oh, we were talking about "I am."
You know, that's a a common thing in our world religions.
The the state of pure--
You're enough here.
04:12 - 04:15
We're enough here. Yeah. Exactly.
You you don't have to try to be anything other than what you are when you're in a state of "I am."
You don't have to try to please other people with how they want you to be.
You just are who you are.
04:33 - 04:36
The collective is still there and says the time.
04:39 - 04:42
Ah, your collective. It says the time.
Tell tell me what you mean by that.
Tell me about the collective and time. What do they mean?
Maybe you're saying that the beings that we've spoken to here before are still here.
I know some of your trees were removed.
I feel bad about that, but they're trying to protect you against fire
05:07 - 05:08
Kind of a worker.
05:09 - 05:17
Yeah. Yeah. Probably somebody came and removed some of the trees to help prevent fire danger.
And you might be saying that there's a related collective of beings at our house, in ***** south of here.
And, we hope you will come and visit us, at our house When we do spirit box sessions or whenever.
I don't know if you can, but if so, I hope you will visit us.
We call it ***** Station.
And, we've spread some of your dirt there in our backyard.
It's a pretty big backyard for humans, so there's lots of space.
Do you think you'd like to come visit us?
...You might be having a hard time with--
06:31 - 06:32
Do you wanna find out what's going on?
06:32 - 06:37
Yes. I do. Please tell me what's going on.
Or tell me how I can find out what's going on.
Is there anything we could do to make it easier to communicate?
07:25 - 07:27
D: There's just not enough to work with.
07:28 - 07:28
I'm really sorry.
07:31 - 07:41
D: I mean, I am actually really sorry because anytime you have a situation like this and they say "Do you wanna know what's going on?" Fuck. Yeah.
I wanna know what's going on.
07:46 - 07:51
What if you moved oh, here. Let me pause. Okay. (We move to a higher location)
07:51 - 07:53
Ok, You just said "if they're driven by desire."
07:57 - 07:58
Watch me.
08:00 - 08:09
Okay. While we're standing here, we got a good vantage of our little site here, our sacred grove.
08:11 - 08:15
My gosh. It's an endorsement, waiting for more information.
08:17 - 08:22
Oh, okay. So you said, do you wanna know what's going on? And yes. Yes.
We do wanna know what's going on.
What can you tell us?
08:28 - 08:30
Thank you so much for that. [We think this might be because I called this a "sacred grove"]
08:32 - 08:39
You're welcome. I'm not I'm not sure what you're thanking us for, but if we did something to
help you, I'm I'm you're very welcome.
08:42 - 08:44
D: Maybe for standing on a hill looking ridiculous?
08:46 - 08:52
Yes. We, we might look a little silly. That's okay. But
08:54 - 08:55
D: Oops. Sorry.
08:56 - 08:59
Oh, you (D) are kinda tangled up in the cord here.
So you you wanted to tell us what's going on?
Or you you asked us if we wanna know, and we do.
What can you tell us?
09:18 - 09:20
Students are looking for a reason.
There's a switch and many can be saved big.
09:49 - 09:59
okay. Well, does the switch need to be flipped so that we people can be saved? Maybe the students?
I'm not sure who would be saved.
10:03 - 10:07
And these are new releases.
10:08 - 10:13
Okay. What needs to happen to save them?
10:15 - 10:17
From 1, and it's good. Hahaha!
10:19 - 10:22
What what needs to happen so that that switch can be flipped and save the people or beings?
10:54 - 10:55
go fast.
11:09 - 11:12
I don't totally know what that means.
we're definitely not going fast physically right now. We're standing in place.
11:20 - 11:22
It's an offer for change first.
11:24 - 11:31
Okay. Tell me about the offer.
11:31 - 11:33
It's almost across the circle.
11:35 - 11:40
Wow. That sounds interesting. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
What does it mean that it's almost across the circle?
11:55 - 12:01
It's really good. And the thing is hey. Hey. Hey.
12:05 - 12:07
So it's a it's a good thing. Alright.
And what is what is the thing?
What's the thing you wanna say about it?
Tell me about the circle, what it means that something is crossing it.
12:26 - 12:29
D: And, again, I don't speak Spanish.
12:30 - 12:33
D doesn't speak Spanish. So
try try to stick to the English words if you can.
12:50 - 12:58
I are changing the recent by your side. Yeah. It's great.
The full cast members.
13:10 - 13:17
Okay. So maybe you're saying that more of your kind are coming
here? Maybe coming to where we live?
13:23 - 13:24
Look up.
13:25 - 13:29
I'm looking up, and I can see beautiful redwood trees.
13:29 - 13:33
It's the palace, and the spider spins a web.
13:34 - 13:41
Wow. It is a palace or a cathedral (the redwoods feel like this), and we do see a spiderweb we've been commenting
on. So so I take it some more beings from wherever are coming here to this forest.
And that it's good and you're happy about that.
14:05 - 14:06
You got it.
14:07 - 14:18
Well, excellent. But you said earlier that this there was a switch that could be flipped to save more people.
14:18 - 14:27
Somewhat distant. Mhmm. It's supposed to be Las Vegas, but that was something.
D: I don't know if that was actually part of it.
It's a roaring new science.
14:35 - 14:38
This is about as far from Vegas as you can get. So,
What are they being saved from?
Why do they need to come here?
Did something bad happen to them?
14:57 - 14:59
Say it's the United States.
15:00 - 15:04
Mhmm. This is the United States for sure.
And sounds like they wanted to come here.
15:24 - 15:25
15:26 - 15:27
What do you need?
Necessito. "I need." What do you need?
Can you tell me what you need?
15:55 - 15:56
Low value
cause of sources.
16:09 - 16:11
I don't know what that means.
You need low value instances?
Cause of source?
Tell me what you mean by that.
16:28 - 16:30
I mean, it's happening.
16:33 - 16:36
Okay. Well, I'm glad it's happening.
What do you want us most to know about all of the things you've been telling us?
What's most important to focus on?
17:04 - 17:09
To speed it up. You....
It gathers.
17:19 - 17:23
So to speed it up so that it gathers. Okay.
What do you mean by that?
What do you what needs to speed up?
Are you asking us to speed something up?
And if so, what and how do we do that?
... Or maybe you were just pointing out how our connection has slowed down.
18:26 - 18:27
Yeah. I've
gone 5 cycles, and I can't get anything.
18:30 - 18:35
Yeah. Alright. I think we're gonna have to, wind it up here or wind it down.
D: Oh.  A bluejay just came over and got a blueberry (that we left for the critters)
18:40 - 18:43
The bluejay came over and got a blueberry. Hello, bluejay.
Well, thanks for talking with us. We'll come back.
And remember, you can visit us at home too, and we'd love to see you there. Okay.

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