093023 You’re eating … like sunshine

Hello! Home in our living room. We want to talk to our house guardians, owl and badger
It's a slow database
You might be talking abotu the fact that D took a gummy and it hit him a little hard, so he may be a little slow
Simple isn't hard, malleable
Its ok. So there's snacks and drinks
List one, that one or this one
oh yeah, just just jump
There's choclate on the table, a snack that we humans like, and some tea as well. I've been wondering how you guys are doing?
You're doing healthy? Or maybe you men chcoclate is healthy. It can be.
That'd be nice
I'm wondering about you guys because
Thanks, don't talk, haha!
You don't want me to talk? Huh ... um, well it's kind of how we communicate
I only dig the responsible giant
What do you mean?
Ah you wanna, you, uh, hearing adjustment
We need to do something differently to hear you?
think of, you're like a fashion, you could do
IDU, can you try again
Power in it, as with it
I've been wondering how you guys are settling into our home and world. this might be new to you, do have any questions or things you want to talk about/
To all sorts of...
You have all sorts of questions? Well go ahead and ask
Yes, let's be professional, haha
Well, professionals can still ask questions, that's how you learn. It's ok if you don't, we can talk about something else
Perfect union
What do you think of the badger and owl paintings?
What, over expressive
Well, I guess that's what art and paintings are, a little stylized
At ease, it's a caption rolling over
What have you been up to when we aren't talking
So what I've seen, yeah
What have you seen? Do you want to tell me?
Yeah, it' s like hola
Flying with care
You've been flying? What have you been seeing
The apple of the capital
What's that? the capital of California?
Hellenic, the girl, my understanding is magnificent
A greek girl? Who is she? How do you know her/
Speaking of the very very certain one on over. Things every time detected
What are you detecting?
Yes, I you, yes, D
You're detecting me and D, that's good
In order of
You detect me and then D? how do you find us?
Via multi sonic something
By the tones we play?
A receiver, you're eating ... like sunshine
Why do the tones help you find us? Why can you not find us without the tones
where you don't fit in injury in the sun, not synthetic anchor
That sounds interesting but I can't understand. Can you explain again? You said we don't fit in.
Demo pushing olives up
Mom! Come here and see this.
Are you talking about MC? If so, hello, how are you. I'm wondering how things ar ein your world, how are you doing
mmm ... I think the batteries are dying

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